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adult stories – my current Age 28 years, my wife, her name is Lisa for the rest also. My son is new age 3 years, and she recently entered Playgroup. Well, this is my children’s schools, the wife of the same nyokapnya I know my children’s friends. His Name Is Nita. This person is actually the Nita dont very saucy, saucy-well, okay-lah. In my opinion, anyway, better my wife.
Sharing Pubic husband to Other Women can be found
So, while similar contacts the Nita, I totally don’t mind that there are various. Until the time my wife started the same familiar Nita. They often go the same.
well, one day, the Nita calls my wife create ngasih know that he and his family can stay vouchers again one night at a five-star Hotel in Jakarta. He got my wife to come create try amenities that are provided. Well, because there are kesempetan make swimming, fitness and other free, then I both dont waste this chance.
my Siangnya both nyusul to the hotel. Arriving there, I both directly to the pool, because the janjian already there waiting for Nita. true wrote, so my ngeliat both came, the direct manggil-Nita manggil while waving his hands.
“Hi Lis, Her. .. “
” O Nit … Where husbands children? “asked my wife.
“regular, both longer NAP tuh ..” said the Nita.
“you’re both aja … … Where are ye? ”
“did not join the deh, Nit … Abisnya bother if ngajak young children “I said.
“so be it, now how do you both want to swim not? Or want Fitness aja? ”
“direct Fitness aja deh, Nit”
that is, after that the three of us go directly to the place of Fitnessnya. And after changing in the locker room, the three of us started berfitnes-ria. Engrossed as well anyway, to the extent that dont feel it’s nearly three hours of our fitness.
Well, it feels like it’s been tired right ya. After completion of the three of us continue to rinse off in the locker room, and go directly to room Whirlpool. Well, until here the three of us confused, because the space whirpoolnya it turned out only one. Wah gimana nih? But eventually we try aja, and turns out to be true, the same chick so one guy to his room.
wow, shame also nih … … Let alone the Nita, because the three of us just the same cloth towels twirled. After coming into, I was stunned, because inside I see there’s a chick with santainya road again pacing in an. .. Naked. Whew.. Critical nih. After my lyrics, it turns out that the Nita also again tuh ngeliatin girl who glimpses to be stoic, really. While the three of us dumbfounded-listlessness, know we disamperin same locker-girlnya.
“Let Ya, Mas … Handuknya I save, “said si Ya locker it with a smooth voice.
“Ha? Stored? “asked me while confusion.
“Hi-hi-hi … IYA, Mas, indeed so the rule … Let the water kolamnya not dirty.. “si Ya said with a flirty smile.
” Gee … Die deh “, my inner servants heart, time I got berbugil ria in front of one, two, three … Four girls anyway? In the meantime I see my wife the same si Nita is also glances at each other anymore confusion. Finally I decided,
“Hm … Gini deh, ya … We meandering liat aja dulu … Later if you want to take a dip recently we put handuknya here “
” Yes, deh Mas .. “said the coquettish smile again Ya. Continues her instantly turned a way out of the room.
after living three, my wife immediately looked at the Nita,
“Gimana nih, Nit?”
While the Nita still speechless confused, my wife immediately speak again,
“Yes already deh … We terusin aja yuk, “he said while releasing the handuknya.
“already deh, Nit … Open aja … … not anything really, “said my wife again.
“right ya, Lis? Continue to si Heru gimana si? “asked Nita while glanced sheepishly toward me.
at that point I can only pray and aja, resigned to moga-moga bird I did not wake up. Because if wake’s arsenal, the Nita could know because I just twirled towels doang.
“Not anything … Let’s just say we love the free spectacle “he said my wife again.
Arsenal also ya, I really dont expected if my wife as good as this. Because usually he’s really jealous wrath. Finally slowly si Nita would also ngelepasin handuknya. Ouch mak … So he’s off handuknya, I can direct ngeliat teteknya the two rounded … and. jembutnya a. .. Gile … really thick!
Direct aja I swallowed my own … While looking at the body to listlessness Nita. Ngelihat the State of my kayaking people dazed it, my wife immediately chuckles. While the Nita is still trying to cover her pussy with both hands.
“why Her. .. Don’t be dumbfounded gitu dong, now you must open the towel tuh, “said my wife again.
Busyet … The time I was told to naked in front of the Nita anyway? But for fear lest my wife later changed his mind, direct aja deh I off my towel. Along with the movement of my ngelepas towel, I see the face of a direct throw jengah Nita.
“why, why Nit … not anything really … Earlier the Heru also ngeliatin body, until aroused tuh … See deh, “said my wife again while looking at my birds. Finally the Nita ngelirik also to my birds, and. Whew.. Cheeky bird base, so diliatin two girls, he slowly but surely began to rise. Slowly nodding, until it finally really tense setegang-tegangnya. Wah banget deh, mokal, I..
“Tuh-kan, Nit … Horny ngeliatin she already justifies body kamuy.. “said my wife again. Ngeliat birds I already strained right, finally they dont hold any longer. On laughter. Ngedenger the sound of laughing they, the chick alone last direct nengok.. and so my bird ngeliat, he also directly participate laughing.
“Gee, dik … He already dont hold tuh .. “he told my wife, while I keep birds ngelirikin. Finally rather than continue to ridicule, so direct aja deh, my nyebur is an outdoor whirlpool. Not long after my wife and the Nita nyusul. Finally we deh a soak in the outdoor foursome. But not long after the Chick that wakes up. ..
“Ya sudahan dulu yah, Dik … Mmm.. But don’t waste tuh .. “he said pointing to my crotch again. Shucks ya girls, apparently from last she merhatiin if my birds are still tense.
just I tried to tutupin my birds use both hands. Smiling flirtatious, eventual chick was out of the room. Well, so the three of us stay, my wife immediately moved position. Now so my existing amongst the two of them.
“Her. .. From last kok strained solely anyway? “asked my wife while clutching my birds. I can only just shook his head while glancing at the Nita.
“Ih … Very hard, like a rock, “said my wife again. Then, without my guess he directly speak to the Nita.
“Here deh, Nit … Want cobain holding bird my husband dont ya? ”
HAA? Me at the Nita so terbengong-bengong.
“the Bbb … May, Lis? “asked the Nita.
“may, rasain deh … Tuh really hard, “said my wife again. Slowly, the Nita started ngegerayangin my thighs, the longer the more up, until finally the torpedo deh, also kepegang me. Wuih, it tastes absolutely delicious.
“Yes why, Lis … How hard can this way Yes. Definitely delicious if yah dimasukin, Lis, “said the Nita again while continuing to mengelus-ngelus my birds. Well, I already dont hold, without asking the consent of my wife again, direct aja deh, I pull the Nita, I creamed her lips … While wringing my hands teteknya.
“Ah ..” Nita menggelinjang. My immediate lifting the Nita from the water, I was on the edge of the pond. dudukin. My legs open wide, and. directly deh benamin my face into his groin, so si Nita increasingly mengerang-ngerang. In the meantime my wife keep enterprising mengocok-ngocok my birds. Finally because it no longer, we three of us climbed into the suburbs.
“Alternating dong, Nit … Let the Heru ngejilatin my vagina, I also kepengen ya. “said my wife with lusting. Because he’s been so pitiful, just deh, I jilatin my wife pussy. I NIP-NIP small clitorisnya until he merem-literacy.
Nita else dont stay silent, ngeliat me again, he just grabbed my birds, keep dimasukin into his mouth. Whew.. not expected, it turns out that hisapannya is really death. It’s like the three of us already do not remember anything else, no matter the case later anyone who entered.
after a while, my wife turned out to already do not stand it anymore.
“come on, Her. .. Cepetan enter. .. I’ve no strong again ya .. “pintanya pitiful. Finally seeing as I too am dont hold it anymore, I just unplug my birds from inside the mouth of the Nita, keeps me enter into my wife pussy.
Ah … … absolutely delicious, while continuing to thrust my transitions. Nita dont stay silent, while wringing my wife’s breasts, she kept ngejilatin my Phallus fruit. Whew.. It felt really … RUUAARR BBIIAASA! Not much later, probably because it was too aroused, my wife screaming kid..
Announcing the satisfaction … So I feel something very warm inside her pussy hole. See my wife was finished, the Nita asked with a straight face please-please anxious.
“Ngg.. Now I may not stab you, husband ngerasain open Lis? ”
“of course aja boleh, Nit.” my wife replied while kissing the lips of Nita. Got the green light, Nita directly took my bird already gooey (but still strained right) continues to dibimbingnya into the vagina hole covered with scrub.
“Aaakkhh ..” fizz si Nita after I push my birds slowly.
“come on, Her. .. Keep, Her. .. I Love You .. “seems to be the Nita really get incredible pleasure. While I shake-shake, my wife licking teteknya si Nita. “Ouch, Lis … Her. .. I love you both. ”
Anyway for me and my wife works, the mouth of the Nita mendesis-desis continues. Then, perhaps because my wife dont want ngedengerin si Nita hiss continue, he finally wakes up and drive her pussy to face the Nita.
with a sprightly Nita welcomes her pussy my wife with her tongue juluran. Until about ten minutes the three of us in a position like that, finally I’ve really dont take it anymore … and. Ahh … I feel the urgings of the Nita are tightened, akhh …
finally broke my defense, too. And when our three simultaneous feel an incredible thrill. .. The three of us each other embrace your hardest, up. .. Aahh …
that is, after that the three of us limp drooping smile satisfied. ..
“Thank you Heru, … Lisa … This is really an extraordinary experience for me. ”
“Ha … HA … HA … Same, Nit … I also really feel that favors the dont I ever bayangin before. Dear husband you dont come along well, Nit, “says my wife.
“what if sometime we invite you all, the husband may not, Nit?”
“true Lis … Good idea, but we should not talk directly, Lis … We got Rod first.. “said the Nita.
“agree,” said my wife.
“How Her. .. Should not? ”
for a brief moment I can not answer. Bayangin, period I must share my same husband wife si Nita? It’s like the feelings of jealousy I do willingly. But, ngebayangin sensation that will occur if we play all at once … Whew..
“may, later you adjust well, Nit … Let me be ngerasain open again the warmth of the vaginal opening you.. HA … HA .. “I finally agreed. END adult sex story read pictorial FreeEroticAdultStories only at adult stories FreeEroticAdultStories -Illustrated adult stories Girls Photos Sexy FreeEroticAdultStories-
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