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adult stories – my name is Tina (not his real name). My age is 17 years old. I’m a private HIGH SCHOOL in a school favorite in the city of Surabaya. Already half a year this is my life filled with pleasure-pleasure contains the wild. Like often Dugem, ineks and even addictive free sex.
my life new to the world of Night and free sex
until I finally fall within the thresholds of collapse. Oscillate in a dilemma and all-round uncertainty. I feel confused what I sought. I’m confused should be where the direction and goal of my life. All that I did not give a positive progress. In fact I’m almost crazy.
who am I? To be honest I regret kondisiku like this. Keterlibatanku with drugs has led me into a dark life. Really cruel! I so wish that they’d like to go back to my old life which I had not known the drugs. When it’s so beautiful. My dear person to me. Andrew my boyfriend with the faithful is disisiku. And he always came to entertain and keep me company.
I so remember on certain days, my school friends came home to play for the task or just gather. If again there my boyfriend, they always tempt us as a pair of mismatched. But I think we are opposite. I’m shy and easy to sulk.
my boyfriend Being a culprit in school and didn’t know the shame. I Excel in lessons but less mastered the field of sports. While she excels in sports and yet lazy learning. Tinggiku are rather weak and thin. While he is tall and big. Anyway the difference really. But friends say the couple matching our school. Either a matching my ass …
I still remember when-when he left me to school to America. There is a speck of a hunch that it was when last I was with him. I cried in continuous like a fool. There are no spoken words, just sounds softly sedan sedu from my mouth.
the parents to hesitate on my person and tried to comfort me by saying that Andrew would often return to Indonesia to menengokku. My people are not losing and promised me will send me to America after high school. He said love would be more feels when separated by distance.
I can’t wait to open my e-mail every night. International phone once a week into a reliever thirst when I missed his voice. Every night before bed, I browsed photos of both of us. And do not forget I pray for him
Now Andrew will not want to look at me again. Reports from his friends who saw me wandering around in discos-discos with other men makes him angry and didn’t trust me. He is the only judge I can cry and promised to stop the perbuatanku.
but what power, in other parts of the world, Andrew will not be able to see the keseriusanku. He asked for an end to his relationship with me though I bawl on the phone. I’m helpless. He was so hard not to forgive my guilt. Well it is indeed all that is certainly my fault.
But if I didn’t have a chance to fix the error? If everyone never momentarily led astray? If there is absolutely no mercy for me? He used to say whatever happens will always love me. Will always be menjagaku. The more the day of her love for me will be even greater. As it turns out, lie! It was all just a lie!
when I’m so ceweq stupid, often dreamy and ease stress. It’s not just my connection with Andrew were destroyed. My connection with my mother’s father was also deteriorating. They have given up the face that almost every day I come home in the morning. They even threatened to expel me if continuous like this.
I so often ditching school. Prestasiku makin in the school day deteriorated. I have lost interest in learning and achieve high rankings in school. Social relationships with friends my school is also getting worse. I’m lazy to hang out with them. I’m afraid they find out who I really was. I fear they spread the vagaries of lakuku actually. I’m afraid …
I’m so paranoid! I’m so easily suspicious with everybody. I was so hard to sleep and slumber a no-no. I so often nightmares and more difficult distinguish where dream and reality. Long as I can have lunatic! I want to stop using drugs and to leave as soon as possible a sparkling world this year during the kugeluti. But I find it hard to leave him.
I got caught up in it! Ineks! All this because of the pills of Satan! Weak increasingly thin. My eyes are sunken dotted black lines below. I don’t recognize my face himself in front of a mirror. Even my Mama’s already tasted me as naughty woman. Well.. naughty woman.. I did so naughty woman. I have let go of the keperawananku on a man who is not my husband.
I’m ashamed at myself and my people. Myself not Tina. Tina who always achievement at school. Tina who always boast of parents. Tina who diligently to church. Tina the innocent and shy. Tina who is always honest and come clean …
that night either night keberapa I to nightclubs with Martin. After triping frenzy with friends, I got back together with Martin. Actually I’m lazy home ordered, still in a State of on the weight. Because of the airport came from Jakarta, cede all so most ineks.
the continued Weak quivering continuous, and twitch my jaw to the left and to. with eratnya I cuddle sleeve Martin as if afraid of losing him. Unlike the usually revolving dial took me Martin around town. Maybe he’s sorry for seeing I was on weight and not bear letting me alone at home.
I still happy-happy alone. Kuputar house music songs somewhat toned, even though I knew the consequences can be fatal. It was not until five minutes, house music songs and blowing cold air makes the eve I on again! I wave my arms, head and body on the bench next to.
it feels fun once in a car proceeded triping divided the city! Martin laughing at me twirling head like a whirlwind. “Fortunately my films dark glass. So I need not fear the people see tingkahmu! “he said. Hahaha … It’s like when I don’t care want men, police, guards or anyone else too, I wouldn’t care! Furthermore it is still at 3 in the morning.
after half an hour we rotate-rotate the city, finally we got to the area around the House Martin. Martin suggested that I continue tripingku at her house. Because it is too risky when triping on the streets like that. If it were shit can hack the police. I already can not think again Just mengiyakan all omongannya.
To his house, I was immediately ushered into the room. While laying out the car keys, Martin turned on the air conditioning and play house music for me. Wow she really wanted to make I’m on hold until the morning! OK, I serve! Kurebut remote air conditioning from his hand and my set with the lowest temperature. Martin already drop, so smell her directly wanted to crash into bed is great it to bed.
of course I don’t want the tripping yourself! Kutarik kuajak his hand and he is rocking again. Martin groaned and remain shut down her face with a pillow. Tingkahnya created a spoiled as a child. Not exhausted thought I immediately look for a collection of his drink at her desk. Kusambar a bottle of Martell VSOP and kupaksa he drank.
the beginning Martin rejected with the reason tomorrow should work. But I forced on to him is not real. A few sips Martell fruition also. Martin got up and sat didepanku. I immediately hugged him from behind and flirt with the spoiled. “If you want to #NP I tripinng … Today I am so yours. ” “Mine completely ..? UM.. I love it! ” Reply to Martin naughty.
“o. .. UM.. so yours. “I mumbled near his ears. I held him from behind and menciumi his ears until he’s straight face. I continued to tease her with a menciumi neck and shoulders. She suddenly turn around and menyergapku! I was shocked as well and shouting. Martin mendekapku tightly and reply menciumi the face, neck and ears. I was screaming straight face by tingkahnya.
adult stories, I Indeed have been So Naughty Woman Who let go of the Keperawananku because the NapsuLama-long kisses Martin getting down to the bottom. He melorotkan strap tank-topku and fruit menciumi my chest with a ferocious while mendengus-dengus. I’m amused and restrain vibrating stimulation.
the body muscles and my legs felt stiff all. Not satisfied menciumi my chest, Martin passed a bra that covered my chest so that both pieces of my chest protruded out. “Woow … I particularly love payudaramu! “desisnya. I particularly like it when my beauty was praised. He uttered those words with eyes so berbinar-binar made me flattered. Of course I immediately covered my chest with both my hands seem to have forbidden him to see.
a second after that the second she opened my hand and bent towards my chest then mendekmy right nipple into his mouth atkan. Grunts on her breathing putingku can already make me menggelinjang. Slowly his tongue licked putingku at a glance, then stopped and looked at reaksiku.
I close my eyes and Snort. My feelings to soar up to the awang awang-! When kubuka my eyes, she looked at me smiling mischievously. I hit him. After that my left nipple licked her glance. I’m back menggelinjang-gelinjang. I felt a second-second waiting what will be done Martin on putingku make me the more curious. I mengerang-erang want Martin continued the action.
I’ve been so horny to memohon-mohon him in order to satisfy me. Martin sweet smile once and then start pasting putingku into her mouth. Putingku played with the mouth and tongue. I vibrate and rampant menggelinjang.
And Martin stimulating and satisfying I’ve proven. A great stimulus to forget the promises I have made ever. Martin is very horny apparently. I feel there’s a Scotch at the bottom of my stomach and menyodok-nyodok kemaluanku. I opened my legs wide and changing the position my hips so his penis rub together with the kemaluanku.
each time his Dick swipe klitorisku I moan and claimed what to kurenggut including his hair. Our breath mendengus-dengus bersahut-sahutan compete with house music song that filled the room.
Martin continued the action while taking off my outfit one by one until I was stark naked. I looked at her face with feelings not karuan. Then he opened his own and started menyerangku with malignant. I diciumi started to mouth down to the neck and then to the fruit of my chest. After it’s down again past the navel and feather kemaluanku. He stopped while looking I’m horny already.
“Martin … Kiss anuku please .. “pintaku stammered. “Hehehe ..” Desisnya slowly. Then the command without waiting for a second time, he began to change his position so that his mouth fits in kemaluanku. After that my legs opened wide up so kemaluanku poking in between my thighs. I felt the cold hit part in the cracking kemaluanku. I closed my eyes flutter waiting Martin started the action.
Martin menciumi the outer side with a kemaluanku slowly. I’m moaning stifled and frowns. It felt ticklish! Ciumannya move to the Center and stop at klitorisku. Klitorisku diciuminya a long time ago as if he menciumi my lips. He is chewing on and sometimes sucking kemaluanku with strong.
I mendesah-desah hard once. No breakfast buffet. Then when her tongue come into play, I could not withstand any longer. The opening of kemaluanku lips with his finger, then her tongue entered among them. Her tongue memilin-milin klitorisku and sometimes get into vaginaku in all.
the long Moans of enjoyment which signifies no peerless. I was embarrassed once when an orgasm before him. Ciumannya on kemaluanku rhythms slowly loosens along with the pressure I felt. Martin is indeed great. He had experienced satisfactory ceweq.
he can know the right timing when to fast and when to slow. So I suspect what he’s profession as a gigolo who satisfies the usual Tante Tante-lonely. Hehehe … “Lho kok soon? Already horny from last huh? “she asked while smiling-bawdy smile. Mukaku flushed when I could not answer the question. I hit him with a pillow while seducing her.
“you gigolo huh? Kok really great? ” “Uh, gigolo! Cheeky! This cave was indeed Don Juan Surabaya Yes! There has never been a ceweq are not satisfied if the play with me! “he said presumptuous. “My friends until I dub ‘ Sex Machine ‘!” he continued. “Ngibul! You definitely gigolo! “while godaku hit him with a cushion again. Our oral war over some time.
after that Martin ended it by saying, “aja menghinaku Delicious! In return, the nih. ” Martin jumped kearahku and put his head between my legs. She immediately swallow kemaluanku with his mouth more vicious again when kemaluanku still throbbing tingling.
I’m screaming ordered him. Gelinya amazing! Somehow if kemaluanku is already very wet or not, I hear a lapped at kemaluanku. A sense of amusement that hit soon turns into a deliciously. I’m drifting again in the game his tongue.
I orgasm for the second time. Weak it feels limp all. That night I orgasm easily. Whatever maybe it is ordered, the influence of ineks or indeed I’ve highlight, in the circumstances I do not know … We break for a bit. Martin sleep terlentang. I saw his penis stood upright like a monument, monas. Red shiny head ordered liquid maninya melted out.
I sit and hold his Dick dipangkuannya. “Why, since when the pants off you anymore? I really do not know? “I said. “Hehehe … ye merem continued from last burungku kalo sampe does not know already expecting the fired into the target! “candanya.
I’m sorry for him. Kuelus-his Dick while his seductive elus. Then I climbed up her body and sitting right above his Dick. Martin looks horny looking at tindakanku. Kugoyang-goyangkan my hips back and forth above his Dick while kuelus-elus.
Martin closed his eyes while feeling the kemaluanku touches on his Dick. I’m also amused-amused favors when his Dick is hard and slick sliding klitorisku. Martin was not long withstand the stimulus. He got up and hugged me. We were kissing.
without regard to the smell of vaginaku liquid in his mouth, I continued to wiggle my hips back and forth. Wet Kemaluanku increasingly facilitate the penis rubbing against Martin escorted kemaluanku lips. Our movement is the longer the more wild, until finally collapsing pertahananku!
Penis Martin tore keperawananku! The head of his Dick and into skid vaginaku. I was stunned and screaming gerakanku stalled. For a while I felt ill ordered, there are objects of the vaginaku. Martin also quit and was about to revoke his Dick from vaginaku. But I stopped him.
I am really drifting in its own fantasiku will be the enjoyment of coitus. Kupeluknya tight body. Despite the pain, I feel an enjoyment of the other. I want to feel much longer. In the unconscious I devalue my hips slowly until the penis Martin meets liang vaginaku. It feels really wonderful! I hugged Martin mightily with breath problems.
Kucengkeram his back with my finger nail without regard for him in pain or not. The way I feel when it’s indescribable. I mengerang-erang. It feels like the whole of my nerves was cut off and centered in kemaluanku only. Martin immediately left me enjoying the moment. He must also currently enjoying daraku membrane is made.
Slowly began to wiggle his hip Martin. His Dick twitch it slowly in the kemaluanku. I sighed mengaduh-aduh hold and amused. Vaginaku is still very sensitive to until I can’t stand it when his Dick digerak-move. I looked at the glazed on Martin.
“why I do not know if this is as good as ML? If know, I already from the first want to same you making love! “I told raucous. Hear my words, instantly looked at me without expression only Martin. I can’t guess what there is dipikirannya. Then with a soothing, he kissed my cheeks and forehead. I became quiet and peaceful.
Martin, I pity you, I pity you, I pity you. There is no mention of Andrew in kamusku. I just pity thee, I said in my heart. Sex is far more intoxicating than extacy! I can’t think straight! That there is a dipikiranku just go on and on … without end …
Martin started moving his Dick out entry vaginaku. Beginning slowly, long the sooner. It’s like to want to die because of the treatment. I can’t say anything. Only a moan and a sigh that comes out of my mouth. Thrust his Dick hitting the exit entry into the vaginaku made me helpless.
that night I orgasm four times. Martin spilling sperm in my stomach and sprawl disebelahku. I also sprawl exhausted. I was so lelahnya I’m not strong enough to move up to take a tissue to clean spilled the sperm in my belly. It turns out the orgasm when ML is much more delicious than with oral sex. Really different..
after the sprawl some time, Martin membopongku to the bathroom and bathe me. I looked at his face and continued searching for a ray of what appears on his face. Whether he actually loved me or am I just one of the women in the collection?
I continued to hug her when she washed my body with warm water and cleaning kemaluanku. After that, we cleaned up after a sleep of exhaustion. END adult sex story read pictorial FreeEroticAdultStories only at adult stories FreeEroticAdultStories -Illustrated adult stories Girls Photos Sexy FreeEroticAdultStories-
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