the latest Adult Sex Stories accompanied by Photos of girls Nude and Sexy Like FreeEroticAdultStories Eva – the story of the previous story, the hottest bokep entitled Early Promiscuity with the maid Semok When No Wife home alone , and on this occasion the site will memembagikan new sex story that does not lose its fun with the title Doing Nasty in the Bus While other passengers are sleeping
adult stories – Vacation semester arrived, as in previous years I decided to vacation in Ma ** ng, happens to be my brother’s relatives living there. I frequently, in fact almost every year a holiday there with Bus, train or plane. But I more often chose buses and trains since the lbh bsa enjoy the ride.
Nasty on the Bus While other passengers are sleeping
very lively Atmosphere subjected to one terminal in Jakarta timur, I immediately climbed into the bus Pa * * To * * yg is ready waiting for prospective passengers … Sitting in the sixth series of the future. ” Hah … Cape also … ” keluhku..
Fair cape is also nursing a shoulder bag is indeed a reply containing the clothes and other keperluanku in the bag. About 10menit I sit, coincidentally a bus seat tsb 1-2, the right one, the left sdgkan for 2 people (super Executive)!!
I sit dibangku yg for 2 people … Suddenly came a mother with Cubs 1 reply I expect 15 yearly, but his body is high and contains, especially the pantatdan his chest. .. The boy’s sweet, white and wear soft lens dimatanya.
“dik, leave my children??” said the mother. ” Oh yes Ma’am! ” ucapku shock … The child would sit abg disebelahku.
10 minutes later, the bus will go, once again, her mother said, “sister, down where?” .. ” Dima ** ng bu. ” ujarku.. ” Oh the same, my son also mw down diMa, kalo gitu ** please dijagain Yes my child? Be advised this is the first time she went away alone. ” next the mother.
“wrong bu, calm aja ..!” balasku with a smile. The mother then immediately get off the bus after the Prev kissing his left right cheek while giving wejangan2 created his son … The bus departs at 4 pm right leaving the terminal … The boy waved to her mother’s reply was outside the bus.
after some distance from the terminal I open a chat with abg it.. ” who’s your name? ” … “mia.” short answer is. .. Looks sweet smile forth from his face white and clean yg, let alone tatapnnya wrote a little teasing, I’m sure he’s familiar with the berhadapn men.
“knp nyokap lo ga come?” I said. ” GA, nyokap work.. School holidays again, the caverns of pd in Jakarta continues to … Suffocating. ” answer him. ” emang ga fear go alone? ” I said with a little meledeknya. ” Ah, Justin wrote … EMG fear knapa? ” He said with the santainya.
“eh, the name lo sapa?” mia asked me.. ” GW boy. ” jwbku.
Nearly 2 hours drive, chat ngidul ngalor while joking ga clear, I started to get accustomed with the mia … Until at last the bus stop for the rest subjected to one restaurant in the area jawabarat..
“mia, bring the same wallet hape lo, don’t be left in the bag.” “okey.” JWB mia while rushing the stands from his seat.
I beranikan myself holding hands while walking down from the bus. Direstauran, we sat back down at one table while eating together.. Finished eating, mia mw small kekamar permission, so I wrote from last nahan pissing … (sbnrnya there are also toilet dibus, tp ga da fear and narrow airny pkrku ..).
after approximately 30 min, melanjutkn travel bus back.. Are me and mia gets increasingly familiar only.. In fact he was daring to lean against and hugged me from the side! Time more nights, the darker the State in a bus, although there is a small light above the seats, but I lbh memilh tdk wielding it.
are getting increasingly cold nights, plus air conditioned bus in winter adds to reply …
“lo ga chills mia?” I said .. ” Yeah really cool. ” jwbnya.
“pake aja blanket.” I started to install blanket ditubuhnya, without the consent of her. .. After that I wear blankets yg jg has indeed been provided inside the bus.
MIA, resting her head dipundaku, while his hands imaginable behind the blanket looped dipinggangku..
“Gee, ni son rich spoiled.” pkrku in my heart.
Without berkatakata, I also hugged her from the side.. Our body feels warm, even though the air in the cold benar2 bus Prev we embraced. MIA closed my eyes …
he’s apparently asleep, I try to shut my eyes even though dlm State menggebu2 didlm hearts, let alone my little ‘ sister ‘ began to fret behind the pants when chest mia yg gede stick beside my body okay.. With the goyangn bus while turning to or kekiri, meeting only his chest ditubuhku. But I bear, and try to sleep …
about 30menitan I try to sleep, akhrnya kebangun also … GA quiet bgt yg temptation with sleep makes the desire up and down. I palingkan view to the street, while holding the turmoil … Suddenly, “boy.” MIA called out softly …
“already awake??” jwbku. Answered my question without mia lsng tightens dekapannya.. ” cool bgt boy “said mia ..” LHA kan udah pake blankets?? ” jwbku
“Yes, tp still kerasa winter.. Let alone my hand, cool bgt …. I enter the hand I’m into clothes you huh? “startled to hear requests that dugaanku outside yg mia …
“Yeah .. Yaudah.. ” jwbku nervous. ..
I honestly ga kpkrn mcm2 that night, tp timeout heard kata2 mia lsg I add volatile, even started a dirty thought deh. MIA enter my hands into the kausku, msh-coated in an. .. Our entire body enclosed quilt, just advance our yg tdk is covered.
Slowly hand mia told infiltrated the kausku … When you sign in successfully, also he began to land slowly stroking it gently all over my body, starting from the chest to the stomach … Sometimes my chest nipple soft play … Wah, makin peaked just desire that mlm nafsuku. I’m speechless without bcara apapa, while enjoying a naughty behaviour of mia … MIA smiled I looked at small yg ga karuan karna his deeds are …
“ye knapa boy?”
“ah. ANU, gapapa.. ” jwbku
I looked at mia’s face, sweet, hmm well ya cewe, let alone his cheek dimples look adds sweetness when mia’s face smiling. Suddenly … Makin me crazy when he made the hand mia wrote without the command into jinsku pants …. (That time I wore jeans sedengkul).
the more burned just my head, seeming to want to pounce my mia and body directly perkosa … But ga might not reply bus, circumstances may be difficult for me to do what I want … Most passengers msh ada yg awake, they are watching the vcd yg played dibus.
boy. “. Ye ga ever deket same cewe huh? ” ask mia broke the silence.
“pernh.” jwbku
“ever ML?” ask mia again …
“never once, but ga sampe slesai.. KNP tnya? ” jwbku wonder.
“gapapa.. Tanya wrote! ” the word mia.
I’m starting to think, if mia is abg yg had experience in sex, he smartly ngesex mgkin pcrnya.. Moreover, the gentle caress of hand mia wrote benar2 as experts in giving rangsangan2 to men … GA suspected hand mia until in my pants, playing main above my little ‘ sister ‘ yg still covered panties … The more noticeably enlarged kontolku just played his hand.
bases Without mia lsg stale, let go of his hand from inside his pants, and opened my pants zipper pinggangku girdle, as well as. .. Then sekonyong konyong his hand entering the lg into the pants, this time an integral part of the pants me again … Really touching kontolku.
“mia, msh rame … Blum on sleep. ” I was bewildered with the behavior of mia, makin crazy wrote this abg. behaviour.
“gapapa, Justin … Kan ketutup quilts …! ” JWB mia lightly stroking and whisk smooth kontolku …
I dwell, while enjoying a game of hand mia such a wily reply already accustomed to doing it. About 30 minutes, I began to try to familiarize yourself with what hand mia thd kontolku. Ga karuan chatting, I’m drifting in a reply benar2 full tsb. desire.
Turns in pembicaraanku with mia, mia confesses if she’s already ga Virgin again … Her boyfriend took her chastity, and yg already have sex repeatedly until now … MLM is growing late, when the other passengers one by one started to sleep! Just me and mia yg msh awake as if going to ga kepengen second skip this togetherness.
“boy, gw comfortable deket lo!” said mia melirih.. ” GW also, lo adult, although age lo msh 15 years. ” jwbku
and then unconsciously we’ve looked at each other, I’m determined to hold my face to face … Kucium lembutnya lips while my eyes shut, as well as mia wrote slowly played her tongue in my mouth … Truly a beautiful reply when I create, although 22-year umurku time, as well as mia wrote 15 years but the attitude and they resemble adult women expertly cradled in a yg men..
about 5 minutes we kissed mesra, my hand started a desperate pink jerseys belonging to mia, kubelai smooth ride to the BH yg contains bukit indah nan big it. .. Kuusap soft, kusingkap and BH over so that the breast is beautiful mia can kusentuh with my hand …
Oh, big, soft and supple tits … Moreover, the nipples larger sized reply to seumurnya girl’s size. ” Hmm..! ” MIA sighs softly. ” sshh … Kept boy. ” the more kecang and hard I feel the breast belongs to mia …
while, his hand still holding the mia and whisk gently DickSince my last … All that we do with our bodies karna free msh closed quilt! “boy … Lower kebwah hands lo. ” Pinta mia. I understand his point, I lose my right hand into his jeans clana. zipper. I go to and. I was shocked, it was mia udah ga wear panties again..
“lo ga pake panties?” I whispered.
“hihi … Engga, gw uninstall direstauran last time!! “… Jwbnya to be stoic.
“the intention really lo …” I wonder …
“bodo, gw udah lust first time ngliat lo lo boy, handsome bgt!”. Jwbnya again.
Apparently mia adlh cewe type yg bsa even arguably aggressive, hyper sex Affairs. in DND.
“remove pants lo boy, Yes, gw megangnya hard ..” Pinta mia …
“ntr ketauan orang2 ah ..” jwbku doubts.
“engga ketutup deh, kan blankets.”
I doubt msh, but also bener sih ga orang2 designate liat, krn emang ketutup duvet meeting our bodies … Lgpula orang2 also on sleep and we sit most blakang dideret, jd ga ada yg merhatiin us. I lower my pants sedengkul, kuperhatikan mia ever lose his jeans pants down..
then she let go of his hand from the kontolku, and twist his body membelakangiku … His position I’m overlooking mia, and mia membelakangiku … The Agency she kinda leaning forward, as well as his hip to didekatkn I.. “enter the boy.” Pinta mia. Stunned and confused I hear mia challenge. ” enter my ass? ” jwbku with silly. ” Dick you boy, cepet! ” jwbnya..
crazy, reckless bener ni cewe thought my heart. .. TP when else have experience yg kaya gini … Slowly I turn juniorku into her vagina, I nyodok her from behind … Rather difficult too, because bus yg keep rocking to sometimes kekiri.
Akhrnya … Tip of the kontolku until dilubang pussy too … And, entering perlahan2 cunt swallowed up mia. vanish. Rather, it feels narrow. ” mmhh, aaahh. ” mia breathed wrote somewhat restrained because of fear of another passenger heard..
“boy, tasty … Have a long, hefty kmu gede anyway, got rich bgini cowoku ga. .. ”
hear kata2 mia that I’m makin passionate … I senderkan my back kejendela bus (I sat next to a window). While quietly enjoying her pussy pulsed kontolku yg make mia pulse … Deliberately kontolku ga dikeluar, karna goyangn bus inputs already made delicious game and help us both.
also we drift into the sway of the dark atmosphere of the bus, bus yg cahaya2 car lights interspersed from the bus window glass, full reply benar2 atmosphere of warmth and romantic time it. .. (I’m sure the other passengers again felt the chill of AIR CONDITIONING to stab their bones!!).
Tp is not with us, instead of reply felt warm, peaceful and delicious … About half an hour we sway to the rhythm of the bus, and then, without releasing the kontolku inside vagina mia, I tried pulling her body back, and lean ditubuh I.. Now the position is above my body, mia tp remain membelakangiku …
I’m starting to play the kontolku, I came out and input kontolku in her pussy …
“mmh … Boy … UH.. Keep rocking Akon … Tasty! “erang mia softly …
“ssh … Yes, tasty … Yummy pussy you mia. ” I said while continuing to wiggle my hips …
I really think more about ga, I’m sure ga will realize the other passengers what we do behind!!
“oh … Boy, keep! “.
While I goyangkan my hips, my hands playing the clitoris mia, and my left hand to play the nipples of her breasts had hardened and brandishing wrote above … Makin mia ga bearable, she kept bergeliat karna stimuli yg I give … TP would we organize and keep our gerakan2 berhati2 makes no other passenger suspect!!
“boy, I’m the mw come out.” erang mia softly, even a little membisik. ” SSH … Ah, boy rocking on.. AK … I’m out. “. MIA akhrnya feel orgasmenya reply first..
I to be Stoic and continued kugoyang kontolku, while mia mengejang feel orgasmenya delicious!! I stop the goyanganku, see mia yg are setting up his breath I smiled looking at yg bener2 tingkahnya are feeling the pinnacle of pleasure …
Ga soon after the finish orgasmenya, I told mia to bed on his back, his head upwards-facing bersantar to hand seat, and both legs bent … I set the position of the blanket-me mess, and more kututup body blanket with mia to pedestals yg straddle … I set the position dudukku, hips I leads to crotch mia … Kumasukan kontolku and back into her vagina.
“blezz…”. Uh, back kontolku cunt swallowed up mia … I goyangkan my hips slowly …
“aahh …. Mm.. Tasty! “. Miapun looked back late in delight after last dya feel orgasm. “oh … Mm… “.
this time, jolting me feels more steady, and *** *** feels more wet pussy mia, karna already bener2 tarnish due to the orgasmenya of yesteryear.. Creek … Crek ..! My left hand stroking and playing her clit … Seen biting the lower lip mia, sometimes playing lidahny kebibirnya!!
about 15 minutes, mia began to seem upset, it looks like he will orgasm again … Bgtu also I start to feel the rumble interfere favors flowing inside my body, flows from the top to the bottom. ” boy, a. .. a.. I mw out again. ” his mouth speak tp eyes closed. ” I also mia. ” jwbku whisper.
boy. “. GA hold … MW out..!! ”
I hasten the wobble out of the vaginal entrance kontolku mia, and my hand faster jg toying her clit though irregular its rhythm!!
. “. MIA, I’m mw out… “. Lirihku.
“same … I also … Keluarin with my boy!! ”
body suddenly mia back mengejang … And. ” oouuhh.. Aghh. . Enaak.. ” erang mia, it turns out that both had an orgasm until …
Now it’s my turn … While continuing to shake my kontolku felt berdenyut2 kontolku start …
“keluarin where??” I said, softly. ” outside boy! ” JWB mia …
and immediately feels there is a nice flowing toward the holes kontolku, kukeluarkan of pussy buru2 mia, and. Croot.. Croot, water menumpahi stomach out mia maniku and partly on a blanket …
. “. Oouh.. Steady, tasty bgt mia. ” ujarku bliss …
Feels kontolku still pulsating softly and wet because it is covered in muncratan liquid orgasm inside pussy mia last … Silent, limp … And without a voice reply occurred about 5 minutes.
then I grab a bag of wipes to wipe the water jaketku maniku yg stomach drenching mia … Imagine, we bathed in sweat between the cold air inside the bus!! MIA hurried around and fixing his pants and underwear, so I too!! We sat back down and berdekapan, then ill feel asleep slumbering karna kecapean.
5 am bus back istrht and stop direstauran in East Java … All passengers alight, so DND me and mia … We have breakfast and drinking lsg hot coffee to warm up our bodies … Hehe, we feel the chill morning air in Tuban Beach it is located dipinggr tsb yg, padhal td mlm we bathed in sweat drifting in pleasure!!
Fair pegel2 jg body it feels … Mgkn karna position time Eva td mlm jg jdnya loss less comfortable it feels it. MIA rushed ketoilet to wear trousers in. .. Then return buses leave completed the rest of his journey.
Disisa travel, we spend to joke and tell me. .. Sometimes naughty from hand movement interspersed mia yg teasing kontolku. 3 and a half hours later, the bus arrived in town almost Ma * ng. *. I sempatkan to exchange numbers hape.
diterminal akhrnya Bus to the town of Ma ** ng, seem a cousin mia was already waiting to pick her up. .. We went down, and mutually parted ways, krn I returned home travel melanjutkn budeku … END adult sex story read pictorial FreeEroticAdultStories only at adult stories FreeEroticAdultStories -Illustrated adult stories Girls Photos Sexy FreeEroticAdultStories-
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