the latest Adult Sex Stories accompanied by Photos of girls Nude and Sexy Like FreeEroticAdultStories Eva – the story of the previous story, the hottest bokep entitled allowed to Perform Oral sex with the teacher who made me Horny , , and on this occasion the site will memembagikan new sex story that does not lose its fun with the title Interlude Dating Friends Overnight With my Subordinates in the Office
adult stories – this incident as I have not married and still working in the food distribution company. I’m then a Chief Account Officer and one of the new stafku work 4 months the name Inge, he is a scholar of the new economy a year lulusnya age is still 23 years old.
Dating Friends Overnight Interlude With my Subordinates in the Office
used to be when he first entered the Office I saw often escorted motor wear and picked up by her boyfriend, but there is already the past week Inge always riding his own motorcycle. It is indeed a sweet-faced Inge, just a little less high sweetheart.
make an attractive man is my kind of lips that always seemed wet to continue because his tongue is often used wet his lips and besides his models wear the style a bit that breaks down near the ear and given the jelly to look wet.
Also visible is the way sensual berpakaiannya because Inge always wear a shirt or t-shirt are somewhat tight so that her belly seems sleek and her breasts look somewhat prominent. Indeed her breasts alone is not too large but quite nice when wearing a tight shirt or dress.
someday I admonished him,
“Inge, why now you ride a motorcycle?”
“Yaahh, which antarin already do not exist”, and he said.
“Cook Yes, where do your girlfriend?” I said.
“Aach, dont know go where he, now only”, he replied with a tone of vexed.
a few days later, at lunchtime, I passed her room, incidentally just Inge himself and was eating the other, apparently packed out, soon kumasuk and sat in front of his desk.
“eat alone?”
“Yes Sir, and he said. While eating, Inge browse ads cinema in a newspaper. Suddenly Inge talk,
“Waah, Mandarin films this is great Pack, Inge but do not want to watch there are friends now.”
“if it dont there are friends I’ll accompany” I said.
“Ah, Mr. may, later the girlfriend of Mr. angry lho!” and he said.
“Yaa, do not get caught, would you ever do anything”, I said.
“when really, when the father usually? the origin of the nights do not, at least the night 7.00 o’clock “, explains Inge.
“tomorrow night? Anyway don’t be Saturday and Sunday night was the event Mr. already patent “I said.
“if tomorrow night so Yes Sir?”
“may, Mr transfers?”
“Inge kost until 5 pm, and then take a shower first, so approximately 6 pm Yes!”
“OK”, sahutku.
Tomorrow evening after I go home to shower and then boarding ready to kostnya Inge. Got there it turned out that Inge is not finished to wait a few minutes, then we immediately took off. Because the new at 6.10 when the film starts at 7, then we rotate-rotate the city first.
in the car I said with Inge if this kind of service anymore don’t call me Sir, because our age’s most distinct only 7 years old, I’m not so tasty dong. Finally after our playlist playlists directly into the movie theater and buy a ticket and then go in, I was deliberately asked for a seat on the edge. Apparently his films less good, because until then start audience just a bit.
Indeed the artists main sections, let alone Mandarin films accounting for many of the brave also actionnya. If a fitting scene hot Inge suddenly take hold of my hand, a time when hot scene before his hand reacts Inge kupegang used to be his Palm tight.
Although hot scene has passed his hand kept steadily and slowly her hand above the hem of her thighs. When Inge was still silent over this action, then the jari-jariku kupakai to mengutik-utik his thigh that was already open because her skirt somewhat short of it rises if create a seat. A few minutes of it I did and Inge still silent, and then his hands kutarik to upper thigh and to unveil her skirt so that rise to the groin.
after I saw her skirt revealed the base of her thighs until almost smooth thighs so it looks Dim lighting with light from the movie only. I pretended to be quiet for a while, there happened to be a hot scene again and soon my hand holding his thigh and hand holding the top of my hand Inge.
I think Inge would ban the activities of my hand, but his hands were laid just in my hand. Kuberanikan again this operation, kuusapkan my hand into his thigh from above the knee to the top near the base of the legs. There are already 5 minutes I’m doing this alternately right and left thigh, but Inge remained silent until the nafasku began to hunt.
finally kuberanikan my hand to wipe her thighs up to selakangannya up to touch his CD and his cock kugelitik with 2 finger. While it appears while sighing Inge correct seats. Kugelitik continues to clitorisnya with fingers and sometimes my finger into her pussy hole kumasukkan, apparently the hole already wet as well.
some old Yet, Inge stretched seats and said, “Oom, don’t digitukan all wet vagina later Inge also his CD, since Inge have lots of discharge.” And then my hand kutarik and kupindahkan to the legs only.
I bisiki, “Later next time just while relaxing at the hotel huh?”.
Inge nodded and said, “approximately next week just because if often go night dont taste good with tante kost”.
after the film completed while way out, kurangkul the shoulder and Inge pinggangku while holding his head any resting into my shoulder. Kuajak Inge dinner all while chatting up messes. I asked,
“Inge, usually you invited your boyfriend relaxed where?”
“Well, sometimes in hotel Hotel P or NP above Temples sometimes also at the Hotel R below if are lazy away.” With answers that Inge, I’ve been able to take the conclusion that Inge is currently not a Virgin anymore, so I dare to take him to the hotel next week.
Complete packed kuantarkan Inge home, before the car kupeluk him and he responded by embracing my neck strong – strong enough to receive a kiss and a Peck-Peck on his lips and finished it with a little technique and my hands grabbed her and memijit her breasts.
“Acch.. naughty ya Oom? He said, “and” Bye … bye …. ” The next day I met Inge in the Office and we behave mediocrity so no friends who suspect that we have been going out last night. When kutanya why the boyfriend cannot take anymore, Inge said if his girlfriend is now more tenuous though haven’t given up 100% because her boyfriend that SH it and working as a salesman of electronic it later like the offense without a clear reason.
Might envy or embarrassment due to Inge can work with a salary semetara is bigger than him. A day on Wednesday a week after we watch, incidentally Inge came into my room by bringing the reports kuharus sign. Inge asked,
“Sir, there is Father time later tonight?”
“why?” I said ostensibly because in my heart this moment will look up.
“If there is time, Mr. Inge want to eat out but there’s not really a friend,” and he said.
“OK, if the ngajak Inge I am willing. 6 pm like last week I came to kost, yes Inge? “I said.
“thanks Yes Sir.”
that same afternoon I quickly went home and immediately take a shower. 5.30 in the afternoon I was ready to depart to the kost morning too, since Inge Inge was not ready and wait in the living room. Recently approximately 10 minutes later, Inge out. I had bowled a few moments, as Inge I know usually wear skirts rather mini shirt or short shirt with his stomach and a bit tight.
this time performed by wearing a long purple dress with hemisphere rather high in part to his left thigh, so that if the road legs left and clean white it looks clearly and the inside of her thighs right also seems vague.
“Ceeek …. ceekkk …. ceeekkk”, komentarku. Inge even smiled sweetly and then twisted his body and part of his back wide open up down with model V up above his hip. I’m sure once when Inge would not wear a bra now. Without sitting down, Inge directly invited to depart. kurangkul her loins, Inge so rather clunky afraid that tante kostnya know.
once inside the car I ask to kiss the first red lips break forth and kept it wet, while her open it kuusap-wipe and it turns out that dugaanku is true when his chest kutekan tightly to my chest feels springy meat WAD with breasts without a name protected sponge BH stuck to my chest. Direct heart rate beat faster. Then the car began to kujalankan and hand Inge my left thigh is placed on while sometimes memijit my thigh.
“where Inge like to eat?”
“it is up to the father,” he said.
Indeed Inge remain to call me with another term, he choose with “Sir” for fear of wrong ngomong if in the Office later.
“If eating goat Satay whether Inge like?” I said.
“want to pack, even actual Inge had long never eat it because girlfriend Inge do not like goat meat,” he said.
we are finally back home eat goat Satay. While down from the car and into the House eat now replace Inge who always embraced pingganku. Inge sit at my right hand. Indeed kuatur the more so that my hand could be close to his left thigh which open up to the top for kuraba-raba.
Indeed this time different time Inge watch movies, this time the Inge looks cheerful and spoiled. While sitting eating her body to the Moor population Inge my body as well as her hand took hold of my thigh. My hand before acting on his thigh kupakai to mengusap-usap its back open.
to the time of the House packed still empty of visitors, so I’m kind of free work. After grasping the back of my hand kususupkan settle into her skirt to the waistband and down there my hand grasping his CD.
my hands move up and breaking down ketiaknya and toward the front to the side so the tip of my finger can touch the side of her breasts that actually still springy. The work of my hands stop when the waitress brought the food to our table. While eating my hand sometimes start fingering his thigh left open.
Inge Plumb full of the sense of time of my busy hands grasping her thighs, he that menyuapkan the rice into my mouth until my hand was given leeway to play on her thighs and up her pussy pun kuraba-raba with full kemesraan.
sometimes my right hand kupakai to scoop out food again, but more often kupakai to work in her thighs and her pussy hole being a continue with Inge affection menyuapiku with food till someday Inge sighs and holding my hand a work tightly and said, “Sir, the work of the hands of a really great Father could make Inge wet.”
then kuraba pussy turned out his CD also already wet pussy hole, much less the tip jar-kumasukkan my finger into the hole to be Habib Dehghani mucus stuck to her pussy lips, it usahaku it worked well. I saw there is a thick mucus resembles cendol stuck to the tip of the telunjukku, soon kujilati that mucus and kutelan along the food disuapkan by Inge.
I really feel “hot” eating goat meat mixed mucus Inge, kurebahkan my head to her head while whispering, “Inge Inge Darling, I love you.” Inge replied, “Sir, the offing Inge became zealous Father entirely, Inge will give everything of the best for the father of the later. Trust me! “while kissing my cheeks.
Complete the meal, we go directly to Hotel in the city’s top CB that much scenery although it was old. We immediately check in. Inge remained spoiled, the way while embracing the pinggangku with his body resting into my body. Door kukunci immediately after the waiter set up drinking water, SOAP and towels.
change kupeluk Inge and embracing my neck tightly until the game kiss mouth, lips and tongue took place with warmth and full kemesraan. Because as I kiss her, kukecup her lips with a deep soulful until Inge’s not feeling the pleasure of course but also to feel the love of my dear.
after kissing with mesranya for a few moments, then my hand kupakai to fingering her open, I felt quite warm then Inge body kupegang skirt part two shoulders and kutarik ahead, any help with Inge straighten her hand forward so that her skirt straight off the top and her tits are still supple and warm when touched it clearly visible in front of my eyes plus visible nipples begin to dilate and tense with red padma left me awestruck.
although I’ve often expose them and slept with my boyfriend in the hotel, but the shape of its body that have different power supplies. Just because a habit that’s been often seen my boyfriend in a State that the nude can make I control my emotions and passions, yea my youth.
kutarik hold down her skirt so that I took and then all apart will put on the table and Inge I lift for kutidurkan in bed with still use CDS only. But no matter his CD kulorot for detachable and pussy are like small hill was covered by a fairly dense hair.
I then took off my T-Shirtku and trousers as well as my CD while staring at the body on her back in a bed that Inge with a seductive pose plus her tongue moistened her lips it frequently. Kudekati Inge then kuciumi all over his face with his hands exploring her chest throughout the area including the Valley and hills as well as the tops of her breasts up to her belly button and lower abdomen.
after the ciumanku moved to the chest especially the hills on her tits, my hand started acting around her pussy and her thighs as well as the case of hair underneath kutarik slowly while my middle finger tickling clitorisnya who started sticking. Then kuciumi hair down until her belly kept his cock and the area around her pussy and her thighs as well as my hand continues to wipe and memijit calves and soles of the feet.
Ciumanku on to his knees, then to the shank, heel toe and then the soles of his feet to fingers on his feet no matter kuhisap one by one all new I ride behind suck selakangannya area by opening wide her thighs and then the area between the anus and vagina that’s kucium and kukecup as well as kujilati so Inge sigh of pleasure and feels there is a mucous fluid to spray out of her pussy hole. After I saw the true look of the hole vaginal fluid drain out mucus with a special odor.
Direct kucucup hole and strong-strong kusedot to sruuuuttt … lendirnya enter into my mouth and kugelitik continue to his groin so that his fluid out again more and kusedot on and it turns right to Inge still removing incoming lendirnya kemulutku. It’s like asin2, asem with peculiar smell like also belongs to my boyfriend, I did so with a spirit of lendirnya.
just Inge kuajak around with pose 69, I immediately climbed to the upper body and penisku kupaskan before the mouth of Inge for easy penisku toying with her tongue and mouth being I myself soon uncovers a lush hair his cock to lick it clitorisnya.
then kugigit-NIP-pull kutarik and also clitorisnya with my lips. Inge looked horny as hell with my mouth on her pussy, let alone her thighs area now kubuka wide-width between his groin and anus and pussy kugosok continues with jari-jariku and sometimes kujilati.
clitorisnya So kugetarkan with the tip of my tongue that moves so quickly (like tongue geckos said my boyfriend) just a minute just rebelled with his feet already Inge and her butt digerakan here then there moaning,
“Aduuuuh Pak, Inge did not hold … already out and limp Pack.” At the moment it feels lendirnya spray and about my nose, her pussy hole again soon kucucup to kusedot all the lendirnya who have come out in her pussy hole. I feel the pleasure also from lendirnya it and sprays her pussy so wet all.
I was now stroking his hair and wipes the sweat that much dikeningnya and asked,
“Inge dear, would Inge have already accomplished?”
“yet Mr., Inge just limp as could not withstand the tremendous pleasure of the game, it is like the father of the tongue to the tip of the hair and the toe of the Pack” and he said.
“then we play again huh?” I said.
Inge mengganggukan head. Then I go up again ketubuhnya and kumasukkan penisku slowly into her pussy hole, and then kutarik out more slowly after coming out of this smoothly over and over then penisku direct kubenamkan entirely into her vagina, until Inge sighs long withstand pain and enjoy it because it said the influx of too deep.
kugerakan my ass after that Rotate clockwise until Inge screaming pleasure continue because clitorisnya tergesek by hair kemaluanku and walls in her pussy tergesek by a penisku hardened shaft so he whispers, “Aduuuh Pak, scrumptious it tastes incredible. I want to orgasm. ”
heard it I instantly menciumi her tits are left, as Inge said more sensitive than on the right and her nipples were directly kugetarkan again with the tip of my tongue. Without the stale base just a few seconds feels her pussy gripping penisku and throbbing and there is a warm flush mucous penisku. Inge already climax, he looks limp drooping.
“to achieve Inge, dear?” I said.
“Yes … Pak “and he said softly spoiled.
“Please Inge water maninya Pak pintanya.
“now?” I said.
“Yes Sir.”
“hold short again yes, I spray”.
then I concentrated all my thoughts on all the beauty of the body that is being kunaiki this Inge and the vagaries of pattern that stimulates while looking at his lips wet red hot.
Kugenjot penisku up and down movement continues and the longer the sooner to Inge squirm, menggelinjang tak karuan while pulling off the sheets and meremas-remasnya and finally, crruuuutttt … cruuuuuttttt … crrruuuutt, maniku spray into her vagina while kutekan continues to penisku deeply into her vagina.
“Sssseeetttt …. aacccchh, Inge felt the warmth of semen Father.” And Inge any orgasm again because penisku felt her pussy throbbing again. After a few minutes we break by sleeping overlap while cuddle, we wake up does not feel the normal trading hours, have shown 5. Because it’s been a night Inge quickly got up and took a towel moistened and then clean up the penisku and then her pussy. We cannot wash due to eat for a long time.
very soon Inge wears her skirt again, so am I. His CDS are folded and inserted into their wallets because the taxable slime still moist when kugosok clitorisnya at home to eat. On the way home Inge had asked,
“the father so mating when?”
“Yes it’s still 2-3 years away, wait for my boyfriend to College completion”, sahutku.
“why?” I said. Inge down her head into my shoulder and said,
“Inge will not mate first kok wait if there may be a miracle.”
“the meaning of Inge?” I said.
“who knows someday Inge can the good news of the father. Because Inge tonight really feel great pleasure from Father and more than that Inge feel Mr. screwing Inge with full of love and a husband and wife team like kemesraan full of flavor of love. Sometime Inge may feel more Yes Sir? ”
“anytime Inge kangen I willing, but Inge should really set his time lest Inge pregnant yaa!” pesanku.
when the car arrived at the House, Inge kost is not right down my neck and to embrace instead the retraction I, and diciuminya all over my face with a soulful heart and her eyes look flushed and teary. I was so terenyuh he kubelai kuusap his hair and her eyes are watering and then kubisiki,
“Inge do not be sad, right each day we are still met. Inge tonight accomplish later directly break ya, don’t daydream various Yes dear? “pesanku while kubelai dear of her cheek and hold her tits until her thighs open, Inge want to go down with a smile.
the next day in the Office early in the morning when I have called Inge for the job, he walked into my room with a smile-a smile spoiled, after kujelaskan the tasks that must be done kutanya why kok smile-a smile.
Inge replied while approaching to my side, “Sir, maninya water overnight just out last time Inge sitting in the Office, now CD Inge so wet.” Because Inge approaches in order to be proven, then down through her skirt and kuraba true wet pussy part CD also sidelines a bit slippery wet legs and apparently it smells really like maniku.
I say, “Inge you wash it first there Yes.” Inge shook his head and said, “now that’s it Sir, Inge is dont have the CD anymore in the Office even if delicious not released his CD, until later in the afternoon also not anything even later during may have dried themselves.” And then my hand gripped tightly and looked sharp in full sense and said,
“when Fathers want to give kemesraan and satisfaction again on Inge?”
“whenever it’s up Inge”, I said.
since then I have often invited dating almost every week and after her boyfriend good back to do, sex still lasts a hold roughly every month while the stories just about anything done to her husband.
until now it’s been almost ten years have passed and I’ve been working in the bank’s move, while Inge replaces jabatanku and we each had married and had children, but the intimate relationship that still take place in the afternoon when the lunch hour, the frequency was only reduced by approximately 3-4 months.
But a long time precisely because it causes each time an intimate relationship that add only and not be mesra boredom. END adult sex story read pictorial FreeEroticAdultStories only at adult stories FreeEroticAdultStories -Illustrated adult stories Girls Photos Sexy FreeEroticAdultStories-
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