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“Ge eR banget lho so girls, my car parking in front of the people there”
wife with Endearing Coercion In Bed
for a moment I was involved in a parking page mouth war a Mall with a young woman who actually already so my friend since childhood. Even the father of our familiar. From the first I and he works beranteeeem mulu. Trus always compete in almost all fields. Sama2 stubborn. GA mau ngalah.
Oh yes, cewe I her name is Hana. She was 22 years old, same with me and also worked in the same company with me. The person is beautiful, sweet, and pure white skin also. I used to ngeledek him with the nickname “gilesan Board”, flat bodinya banget abis.
But since high school, I can again ga ngejulukin him like that again. Because bodinya so cute here and there. Aja kalo ngeliat even at a glance, it seems like a direct bedilku to rise. But kalo pengen ngeliatpun yet, dont. But even so, actually I also have long harbored a sense of love to Hannah.
but the basic apes, I have several steps. He is now courting the same Yota, that in fact is the enemy of gengku time HIGH SCHOOL first. I think the points that make me lose competitiveness is, Yota’s both tajir abis. Even ortuku is also passable tajir, but still aja ga setajir both Yota. And kelihatannyanya, Hana also ga apa2 feeling nyimpan me.
but still aja ga bisa ngilangin I taste my love to him, but one day, there are events that change my life and Hana benar2. Hana’s father suddenly falls ill, and is quite severe. Already taken medical treatment here and there, still wrote his condition does not improve. Reportedly due to complications. And finally come to a moment Om Santo (father of Hannah) as it was at the end of his life.
Throughout her family late in the day. Anna, her mother, and adik2nya. Even my family who menjengukpun too. I can only speechless and demonstrate its sad to see the condition of the om Saint. Because the man was so good to me even since I was small I used to.
Om Santo (OS): Papa udah ga strong again, Ma …!
Tante Saint (TS): Papa do not say so dong Pa. .. Mama ga also holds strong.
OS: But really sick it seemed, Ma … I think Papa udah ga old.
Hana: Papa do not say so, dong. Hana is not yet ready to split from Papa.
OS: Ah, Hannah. Man is surely going to die, anyway. But at the very least, you want to, do you follow the one wrote requests Papa. So kalo papa go any little light would.
Hannah: what request Papa? Hana definitely turutin, kok.
Os: Promise?
Hana: Promises, Pa!
OS: Menikahlah with Joshua (I. ..)!
Hannah was shocked to open the abysmal. Especially me!. In fact it seems like everyone in the room was shocked come along.
Hannah: But, pa! Hana, right …
OS: Oops … you’ve promise would nurutin all the wishes of Papa. Papa already from the first to take Joshua as the son-in-law of Papa. The person you designate ngurusin papa gantiin. You want, right, Josh!
Josh: Eeemm … foo … Kalo is the biggest desire was Om, I definitely nurutin, kok Om!
OS: hoo … nice lah …
I saw Hannah just bowed while crying. I could understand if he didn’t want this. But how else would like. This last request Papanya. Then Om Santo sleeping tired. We all ordered the nurse to get out of the room so that it could be more relaxed Saint Om. Outside, my family and the family of Hannah seems to discuss it. While the discussions going on between me and Hannah.
Hana: Josh! I was completely ga want to marry the same thou! It’s just because the last request papaku aja! So do please I will love you the same
Josh: Hoi hoi … emangnya I want marry same ye!! I want too because the Saints ask Om!
Hana: Okay!! so kalo gitu after 4 months of marriage, I was about to ask the same for divorce you! Kalo need to instantly divorce three!
Josh: (Surprised …) It is up!!!
Actually I instantly cranky heard request Hana. Whereas the chance only once. I was able to unite with the people I love. I should immediately draw up a plan in order for Hana no loose from me. The atmosphere is so slightly awry. I and my family are busy preparing all the weddings. While Hana’s fight with her boyfriend. But after he explained his plan, their state return to subside.
Pernikahanpun done in front of the Om Saint of his condition got worse, with the hope, it’ll make her condition improves. Over the Covenant of marriage and reception, Hana is not at all a smile. But I’ve told him to smile, because fear delicious diliat ga, ga but he cares. Oddly enough, after our wedding, the condition of the Om Saint rose drastically. Now even been able to sit and give its blessing to us. Arrived the first night, the night the wait-wait here our first night adult stories.
Hana: Iiiiihh … Fuck the hell nempel-nempel … There!
Josh: yeee … you fuck! This is our husband and wife … So kalo gini Yes first night doing that husband and wife should do.
Hana: Ih!! GA willing!! Uh, Yes … remember we are it’s just marriage pura2. Anyway I would old cerein ga ye!
I did not listen to the utterance. I kept forcing her melayaniku, but she also refused. Finally I was pissed off and went out of the room. I just sat in the balcony while smoking. This has been going on for a week. OM St. already home.
but this time he is staying, even dirumahku can only be place to sleep alone. Considered Om Saint more experienced, I asked for Advise om Saint. I tell all keluhanku. And now I have called Om Santo Papa also gave me numerous suggestions that in fact already kulaksanakan but still not successful.
Josh: Pa … I reply the same rough little Hana gimana?
OS: uh, don’t! GA can be rough the same Wife!
Josh: not so PA. Intent I reply a little more force with little kenekatan gimana?
OS: But ye ga sampe ngelukain ye wives, right?!
Josh: Yes ga Pa lah!
OS: okay … it’s up to you lah, son … An important later she can close the same.
Josh: Okay, Pa … Makasih.
tonight I deliberately approach Hana altogether. Tomorrow evening I’m back asking him melayaniku. And I he refused. I smiled sarcastically. Soon the kukunci door, and I again approached Hana. This time I membekap and holding her body erat2. Then I take a kutaroh shawl in my pocket and I used to tie his hands to the head of the iron beds.
Josh: Hokeee … Now you can ga apa2, right?!
Hana: Josh! You want to what?! Lepasin me!! ATO I would yell!!!
Josh: Screaming?! haha … want to yell what?! “I was raped!” so? Everyone around here is also the tau kalo we husband and wife …!!
Hana: Anyway I lepasin!! I ga kalo ngelayani you should come!
Josh: you say ga or now you can ga apa2! Thank aja!
I started to suppress his body and tried to kiss her lips. Hana continued to shy away. I was holding his head so as not to move and kissed his lips. I swallow her lips full of talking lust! Ciumanku down to the neck. Hannah started a bit of a sigh. ” nggghh … Josh, do not … josh plis! … ngghh “. While my mouth playing around her neck, my hands began to play on his chest. I meremas2 her chest with both my hands.
Sigh Hana makin all-consuming. Then with a little rough I ripped piyamanya. It turns out that Hannah is not wearing a Bra. Solid Round nan’s beautiful breasts were now plastered in front of the mukaku. I’m starting to play the pink nipples it with my finger. And sometimes my little gyre. Then I started licking and menciumi the area around the nipples. Trus me licking nipples and suck it like a baby.
“aaaaahhhh … mmmmmhh … don’t, josh! pliiiss … mmmhh … “. Hana keeps trying to tell me to stop even though the stronger and the more desahannya raise napsuku. I moved from the chest that left to the chest that is on the right. Meanwhile my hands start reaching into his pants. Hana tried to hold with clamp-clip his thigh.
But that just makes me more excited again. VAG | nanya feels wet and warm. ” Ah … you are … nolak2 but wet too! “, I told her. Hana just silent and began to shed tears. Kutarik my hand out of his pants. I pull his pants down and throws him somewhere where. And as it turns out, hana also did not wear panties. So vag | nanya who started poking clearly visible.
Hana and then cover it with the second bracket legs. I smiled at him and then opened her legs again. I started licking the back of her knee. Hana seemed to enjoy. Jilatanku then continues down to the Thighs and up to the vag | nanya. I play her clit with my nose. Then menjilatinya.
Body Hana began to spasm. Desahannya is stuck and she’s a little ascending-raise his hip. I’m getting excited to see it. Not just licking, I even suck-hisap vag | nanya. And once satisfied with vag | nanya, I immediately got up and opened the kaosku shirt. Hana is a little shocked looking at bodiku. Indeed, hell I was diligent with my one also fitness gengku.
I lowered my pants zipper and then opened my pants along with her underwear. pen † sku is already tense and drawn forward. This time it was more surprised Hannah again. He tried to pull his body up, and covered the vag | nanya with his feet. I catch up with him and then expand back to his feet. Hana tried to revolt.
“Josh! I really Beg, Josh! Don’t be!! aaaaaaaahhhhhh!! “. I already penisku thrust into the vag | nanya. VAG | nanya feels very cramped. I feel a very great pleasure, while Hana continued to yell. I saw back down. It appears the blood oozes out. Clear wrote I was shocked. Time boss thug like Yota can’t seize the virginity of Hana. I’m glad betul2. I started moving my hips. Hana sighed again. Little by little I upped the pace my hips.
“ngaaaaaaaahhh … aaaaaaaaaahhhh … jooooshh … “. This time Anna only sigh without asked me to stop. Slowly but surely I reached a maximum speed of. Reply count, Hana 3 times already and I orgasm. Regular exercise makes staminaku quite large and long lasting. After about 45 minutes I keep boost vag | nanya. Hana like lost her consciousness. I finally got to batasku.
Genjotanku the more toned, and finally spermaku spray the rapids out meet vag | nanya, even oozes out. Weak little limp and I dropped the weak along with Hana. I took off their bonds and then kissed him and said, “Hey … we would have children …!”. His tears are getting out and he turned his away from me and cried.
I can only speechless. I did not change his attitude anyway. Then I’m a bit away and then to bed. The next morning I immediately siap2 go to the Office. Rations on leave two weeks given my Topper not full because I took anyway I couldnt have fun. I menelfon my Topper and say I will go to work today. Little wonder my Topper. OM Saint of the plan will be home this morning asking for it.
OS: Gimana, josh …?
Josh: haaah (heaved a breath) … I think ga successfully, Pa! She remains aja ga plasticity happy …
OS: Ya udah aja … later also he would inevitably deket same you. Papa also used to be a little bit the same forcing her mother Hannah, kok. And the results …
Josh: oh … haha … so ya Ya udah PA., hati2 on the road, Yes, Pa!
my Mama’s and the Papa takes Om santo and his wife return home. And I’m preparing to go to the Office. But when I passed in front of my room, wearing only a Pajama Hana without pants stood in front of the door and continued to look at me.
Josh: Hey … that last night, sorry. I’ve brute. Calm aja, I also designate ngurus divorce that, kok. I immediately turned about to get out of the House. But suddenly Hannah hugged me from behind. Her arms are increasingly closely and involves tears.
Hana: I should have a sorry, Josh! I’m really stupid! I’m from yesterday keep trying to stay away from you, but I am your wife. I know you love betul2 same I. But I continue to expect people who are not necessarily love kayaking you …. sorry, yes Josh … I ga want you divorce … I want to be a good wife for you. And I’m speechless and happy to hear betul2 kata2nya.
Josh: maybe some Hanaa…ga like that really. I forgive him, kok. Okay, I’m the ga would cerein you. But what about the Yota?
Hana: kuurus, how can it be …
Josh: OK deh … I kissed her lips and for a moment we dissolve in the kiss.
Hana: uh, udah mau ngantor? Instead there are still 5 more days?
Josh: ah, emang sih pengen ngantor its plan today.
Hannah: I tea bikinin first, Yes …
Josh: Oh … boleh2 …
I’m really pleased. Hana has already started trying so the wife completely. I just pay attention to preparing tea for me Hana from the dinner table. See bodinya that just wrapped in thin Pajamas without subordinates from behind makes napsuku suddenly go up. After you have finished preparing the tea, Hana is not immediately pass it to me, she was just holding a cup of tea contains warm it and smiling tease me from that kitchen table.
I’m so makin ga hold. Hana then put the tea back to the kitchen table, and then he went and sat on the kitchen table with the position of the legs were crossed. He simply one of her hands to the back of the other hand and started to unbutton piyamanya one by one from the top while senyum2 tease me.
UAAAAAARRRHHH!!! I’ve ga tahaaaaaaaaaaann!!! I immediately grabbed Hana! and I think this day must skip ngantor. The rest of this 5-day paid leave will I ask back to my boss and I had to be at their best! END adult sex story read pictorial FreeEroticAdultStories others only in the adult stories FreeEroticAdultStories -Illustrated adult stories Girls Photos Sexy FreeEroticAdultStories-
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