the latest Adult Sex Stories accompanied by Photos of girls Nude and Sexy Like FreeEroticAdultStories Eva – the hottest this sordid story is the story of a continuation of the previous story entitled Sexy Bisexual Girl who Had a high Libido Level , , and on this occasion the site will share the story of the new adult sex does not lose its fun with the title became Assistant Households at once Satisfy Employer Young
adult stories – I am Dina, that time I was wandering in Bali, the reason is because I fight with my father (my mother is deceased). My father told me I was not productive, because each ari my only menghambur2kan his money with shopping here and there. Indeed I am a maniac blanja, laper eyes so see what good I am, but I’m not very butuh2.
a household Assistant at once Satisfy Employer Young
my father’s financial condition Fluke supports custom maniakku it. Dad often menegurku because kebiasaanku it’s unproductive. I’m offended, so my wish arises to live independently, and the location chosen was Bali, said temenku there many are the TODO if you want any work. So, I ended up stranded in the town of Bali, single-handedly, without sodara and friends.
first puzzled why I mo also. I settle on one bed and breakfasts that myrrh mer, to save pengeluaranku. Foraging is also in a simple nut warung2 mer as well. My life is miserable enough early-first because I’m used to a life of sufficiency in the House my father paced.
but tekadku for independent, separated from my father kupelihara teguh, a sense of passion, slowly-slowly become common because I tried hard to enjoy it. All sorts of efforts to earn money even though the sedikti I do, so I’m stints, anything kulakoni, except that one, sell yourself.
quite frankly, time living with my dad, I had a lot of girlfriends, and with pacar2ku it I often find enjoyment of sex. This is sometimes abused me, ampir gak resistant I forbear not to many men with ngesex seliweran disekitarku.
they like with natural kecantikanku, the color of my skin white, smooth, my body is proportional, not great but not toketku arguably tocil. My hips a bit, so kalo males see me wearing tights either long or short, from behind is definitely talking lust see movement of my hips that hand with my feet. Beautiful menggeyol my hips to kekiri.
there are also male foreigners ngganteng banget, rich hollywood actor, who blatantly ngajakin aq fuck, instead he promised us dollar segepok kalo I could be meladenin napsunya, but I still try holding out for not accepting a bid that tantalizing sangat2, dapet dapet money and satisfaction sex, palagi said toll kon kan bule tu gede. Kon pacar2ku ya toll standard size people we are, although admittedly I got the pleasure of penis-penis standard it is.
Sampe a day, when I walk in front of a packed, suddenly there is a luxury sedan that cut the didepanku, so I fall. From servant luxury car it out man. Look at her face, anger that meluap2 because I diserempet sampe fall (rich Cici Paramida aja ya) Although not sampe lecet2, gone instantly. The man is very handsome, very athletic bodinya. He immediately help me rise while apologizing with very.
“Oh ya, sorry as hell Yes, I’m terburu2, so I do not see ya again road. There is a wound, ya ay0 I transfer out of hospital “. “Kok Gak mas, just stunned”. He pulled out his hp, he’s talking to someone for a company cancels a meeting this afternoon.
“well ya, as an apology and thankful because ya kalo sampe wound, how I treat lunch at this restaurant.” I saw the name of restonya, well it luxury food resto mahal2, in deket home my father there is also this resto.
“Yes deh mas, or my manggil what is Delish.” “I … (he mentions his name), mo manggil mas bole, bole also name manggil kok. Kalo ya? ” “I call ya aja deh mas, mas far more rich than me. I am Dina, mas “. I digandengnya enter restaurant located into the beach.
it looks like he’s already a customer of this resto, visible from the waiter to the abundance of eknal he chose a place overlooking the kelaut.
“MO eat what ya?”
“don’t call ya ah, Dina wrote”.
“Yes deh, Dinah mo what to eat.”
“I follow-up mas aja deh mas, the tau kan enak2 menus from the restaurant”.
“Hooked seafood right?”
“mas, I Hooked what I eat, except rock ma ma beling wood”.
“aja kok beling, ye”.
“because I belon blajar science kuda lumping”. Tertawanya the rush of hearing guyonanku.
“Bener right above you Din not apa2”.
“Not what kok mas, I’m just shocked.”
“is now still surprised?”
“Still mas”.
“Lo kok masi shocked”.
“Ya mas, kok shocked, yes man in the world this is what seganteng mas”.
“aja”. During the meal, so we bercanda2.
after the meal is finished, she asked again.
“you to bali in what order Din?”. I tell kondisiku briefly.
“O, we again find work anyway, ditempatku aja, want to?”
“so what mas”. I need to create a TODO koordinir Assistant in my house, my work is household “.
“so the maid so?”
“O enggaklah, prempuan seseksi and as pretty as cookware you dijadiin helpers. Rich head of housekeeping, so would not stay dirumahku bole, kok, free, free also sustenance “.
“but not dapet salaries?”
“Yes lah, mau dapet ya. butuhnya kalo gak neh urgetnt, kasian asistenku now he dah help me on the job, still TODO ketiban ngurus also my house “.
“Yes, deh mas which si what handsome baseball?”
“OK kalo gitu starting today Yes, abis packed we take you from the nearest bed and breakfasts, and kerumahku.
I’ll kasi you …. a month (he mentions one large numbers).
“Mau mas”. So I moved from cheap motels bigger to his home from the House of my father.
I was introduced to a number of helpers, there are Affairs of house cleaning, wash washing, cooking and cleaning and tending his garden, beside there is a driver. They all respect me, because I was introduced as the head of housekeeping. I was invited to one of the rooms, the size of my bedroom at home like my dad, there is a large tv and soundsystem, pake air conditioning anyway (dilosmen I bathed kringet each malem because so certain cheap Yes without facilities apa2, including air conditioning).
“Wah mas, awful work ya mas ma”. “Yes, you’ve ma socialization of servants, I must go to the Office Yes”. I left along a number of helpers, I try to be familiar with them all by being humble.
“mother father, I just happen to disuru so the head of housekeeping, but I tu kala experience ma mother father, so our TODO kroyok rame2 Yes, I’m willing to do the work of the mother of Mr. kok also”.
they are happy because I do not sok2an, mentang2 appointed head, so briefly I dah can be berakrab2 with all of them, ngatur todo with all of them. Just they hesitate I reply mbantu did. Ya udah kalo Yes finally they really busy I help, reply to baseball so I chill out.
in the backyard of the House there is a swimming pool which is quite extensive, which clears bon Pack TODO pond rarely dipake once a week. I was pleased with everything itemized Pack mbantu dah was it cleans dirt nempel didinding pond.
with Mr. driver, I can also berakrab2, Mr. sopirlah palagi which drive me buy all the household necessities, and myself, with a record of the mas gak make his car. Sometimes because I really need to know go, the mas willingly nyetir themselves in her Office so that Mr. driver nganterian can I get there by car fro them again, not semewah the car the mas to be sure, but suffice it to this beli2 it.
Reaches the mas was a successful entrepreneur in the business of luxury car imports build up. So I live hari2ku with all the pleasure, not very berat2 TODO, abundant money due to all the needs of my life was filled with the mas, even sometimes the mas bought me clothes kalo I should join the AIDS Office. Sometimes there is a big event in which I also participated and should help the other assistants. comfortable once it right. Sampe a malem, the mas ngetok my room.
“Napa mas?” “I again bête Din, I spend out yuk”. Tumben he ngajak I came out, I usually see in Office, many young prempuan2 the cantik2 the seliweran surrounding. “Lo, do you usually road mas ma ya mbak Maya what Lina”.
“I’m bored ma mreka Din, mreka tu cuma aja ngincer received basabasi, so full and rich pake mask”.
“rus koq mas ngajak I”.
“since I met you, you rich memperlakukanku. Ye kliatan once do you work with ati “.
“Laiyalah mas, where there is a todo list lebi from ngurus mas mbantu this great home, relaxed, trus duwitnya ngasi mas big again, whole again, because the semUA kebutuhanku mas fill. Hence buru2 search Empress dong mas, mas gak lonely at home so this big “. “there you can koq make me peaceful, ma ye rich chat chatting ma yang dah long I know, but you just 3 months Yes dirumahku”.
I brought her to the dock into the ocean, while berjalan2 enjoying the sea breeze which is quite tight, we were just chatting while walking down a pier juts out kelaut. Sampe ditangga tip, you sit down to the rocks in the middle of the sea, the wind pretty toned sweeping waves, so that when the waves break on the rocks, the water splashed high, demek deh pakean us. “The cold ni Mas lama2 Tida here, can be wet all my shirt”. When I was wearing tight jeans and a tight tanktop so lekakliku bodiku keliahatn with jales.
I sometimes see also sebersit the impression talking lust in the eyes of the mas. Biar aja, normal man must also gitu ngeliat reply me. “Ya udah, behind Let’s search miuman anget aja ya, there are rich dipntai deh coffee shop or something like that.
the return of her menggandenga my hands, since she often employ my hands running both I reply, I’m diem only. Once dipantai, we stopped at the coffee shop it. Also the atmosphere is lively. There are a few young prempuan that greeted the mas, but once I see there, not so mreka approaching.
“Mas, Yes, many famous temennya”.
“Iya pake kan mreka mask, which he catches up with duitku”.
Returned Home, she said,
“Din brenang I mo, mo ikutan gak?”
“Dah malem gini brenang mas koq, right cold”.
“Thus kalo gini malem brenang water husodo, relax, so can make easy sleep”.
“I do not have a swimming pool pakean, mas”.
“I had bikini, ye mo pake?”
“who have mas, mas cewek2 Yes”.
“Ah Nah, I buy perna create ole2 but finally not so I kasi, for you ja ya”. He entered kekamarnya and came out carrying a bikini it is.
very Sexy ‘ mas bikininya “, I say because of the minimal bikininya all.
“sexy Prempuan sexy pakean pake kudu dong”. Since that time, the maid malem dah dah rest.
“replace Tu ja in bed rinse”, she said to one building named the lodge room is the rinse.
I go to that folder, open pakeanku and skimpy bikini wearing it. When I came out the mas dah waiting I didipan wear gombrong pants. “Wow sexy ye Din”. Because of the minimal hence filmed bodiku plastered with clear.
Toketku not covered everything so belahannya bra clearly visible. Palagi lush ngintip jembutku from parts of the feet of his cd. I figured Yes let him enjoy my body, just not what ngeliat ja, I thought. We swim mondar mandir several times.
“ye Din, napsuin deh”, bisiknya when we break into the pond.
Well signal2 gak neh goes wrong, I thought. but I’m diem aja,
“udahan yuk mas, cold lama2 Tida”.
“I want koq ngangetin you”, he said while hugged me and kissed my lips.
“Din dah long I love you ma, ma body aroused you. ye ma Yes Din ngeladenin I malem “. Ciumannya cool, his mustache swipe my lips, chewing on my lips while she palagi, cool hand flushed from outer toketku braku.
bendunganku collapse too, all this time I hold napsuku for gak gak finally sex mikirin endurance as well. I’m just as he menggandengku diem went into his room. Pakean out and she had just entered kutenteng kekamarnya.
in bed, back she hugged me and kissed my lips, soft and long. I aggressively once welcomed ciumannya, understandably I dah deh nahan napsuku a long time ago, there is now the head of chance, I’m self nahan can not any longer. He continued to kiss my lips and start dilumatnya with full of talking lust. I was replying to lumatannya as well. “Din, I like the same badanmu the curvaceous”, he said while menciumi my neck. I’m silent, just mengusap2 pinggungnya.
meremas2 toketku starting hands. Not long after her release braku. Ciumannya radiating down my neck and behind her ears. I menggelinjang a straight face, “Amused mas”. I’m makin squirm when his tongue down the toketku and get off at belahannya.
he continued to play his tongue in toketku but not up to pentilnya.
“diisep mas pentilnya dong, later Dina isep kon dower toll also”, I mendesah2.
she continued to lick the area around pentilku, but pentilnya is not touched. Then ciumannya down toward my stomach while his hands mengusap2 me mekku area. I do not stand it any longer, his head kutarik and kudekatkan to pentilku.
“Diisep dong mas”, rengekku. She’s soon sucking and squeezing his hands pentilku toketku. “Keep on the hard diisep, mas mas mas akh, tasty”, erangku.
mengemut pentilku turns, He similarly toketku diremasnya alternately. Occasionally his hand mengelus2 it ilku from outside CDku. I got up, kulepas all of the attached dibadannya. Kon tolnya a great and long been ngaceng with rigors.
“kon dower toll large and long ya mas, really hard again,” I said while menciumi kon tolnya and kukenyot his head.
kujilati and jilatanku then Head down towards the seeds. The entire kon tolnya kujilati.
“Tasty Din terusin dong emutannya”, he said. CDku direct dilepasnya, “Ni really dense pubic hair”, he said while mengelus2 the jembutku add wet because slime me mekku. I was diranjang and then he twisted his body so that his position be 69. He started licking me mekku.
“Tasty mas, continues”, erangku of pleasantness. I’m makin menggelinjang when her tongue touched it ilku.
tolnya kon kuemut with hard, my head mengangguk2 mengeluar enter tolnya dimulutku kon. Because napsuku already flared up, I finally can not survive much longer, I nyampe because it ilku dikenyot2nya,
“mas, I nyampe mas, aakh”. Kon tolnya kukocok with fast hard while enjoying nyampeku. “Din, Din also ngecret I want”, he said breathless.
tolnya kuemut kon head Soon again and kukenyot with my hand hard, continue to whisk until finally he tolnya kon ngecret dimulutku. Loads pejunya nyembur sampe melt out of my lips. Kon tolnya continue kukenyot missing ngecretnya new very short pulses sampe kulepas. Pejunya kutelan without disgust,
“Din favors banget ya emutanmu, emutan me more enjoyably mekku again yes”, he said breathless. I was lying next to them, kupeluk. Yet he’s been herding entot I to enjoyment.
after that we cleaned up in the bathroom. In the bathroom we mutually clearing agency partner. Kon tolnya harden again when kukocok2 calmly, I squat the front side and mengemut kon tolnya again, get on with it ngaceng tolnya kon with rigors.
my head moves back and forth she would remove the kon tolnya dimulutku. She can not hold back any longer, he sat on the toilet, I dipangkunya facing himself, while directing kon tolnya mekku to me. Magnitude of toll nancep kon promptly dime mekku, tasted once me mekku widened to accommodate the tolnya kon dienjotkan calmly so that the more nancep in me mekku,
“Tasty mas, ssh”. I’m back and forth so that the weak mengenjotkan kon tolnya can be nancep servants in me mekku, involves mengenjotkan kon tolnya also so terasalah friction kon tolnya dime mekku. Really delicious taste. Being nikmat2nya, suddenly he stopped mengenjotkan kon tolnya. He told me to play the weak without unplugging kon tolnya mekku from me.
I sent nungging while holding on the sink. Start him mengenjotkan kon tolnya from behind. While mengenjot, a toketku mengayun2 enjotannya hand diremas2nya.
“Ah, delicious banget mas mas. Kon mas toll nancepnya dalem banget mas. Sesek me mek me it felt, a friction kon dower toll kerasa really enjot the cepet continues, mas, I’ve want nyampe again “, erangku.
“Cepet banget Din”, he said.
“Abis favors banget sih mas kon tolnya, so I can not nahan again”, erangku. He’s a faster mengenjotkan kon tolnya out admission sampe menggelinjang I ended up with a fabulous,
“Ah mas, I again I nyampe lemes mas”, erangku terengah2. Because I complain lemes, he deprived him of a still-mighty tolnya kon and ask diemut again. She sat back down on the toilet and I knelt down at the front side. Tolnya kon kuemut2 back while kukocok2 quickly and hard, till Finally,
“Din, I ngecret again Din”. He mengecretkan pejunya didalem my mouth again. Although this second, pejunya tetep widely ngecretnya. Like last pejunya kutelen mengemut kon tolnya while continuing.
we’re behind the basket and embraced, not long ago we were asleep, full flavor enjoyment especially made me. Dawn I woke up as soon as I put on pakeanku and kleuar rooms, kalo maen longer sleep continuity, later so people gossip material the same House again.
“Mas lanjutin later malem again ja ya not there, let me know,” I said while leaving the room.
no one wakes up so I’m mengendap2 toward my room. Dikamarku, I took off all the kukenakan, lay back and meraba2 the whole weak, still feels how the magnitude of kon tolnya menyesaki me mekku.
Napsuku arise again, I held him, then there’s going malem next round. That day passed very slowly take out. She says, alesan malem later we create the hotel’s afternoon miting sampe malem, so do not go home!
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