the latest Adult Sex Stories accompanied by Photos of girls Nude and Sexy Like FreeEroticAdultStories Eva – the hottest bokep Story, this story is a continuation of the formerly titled see both my friend ML with her boyfriend while staying at Villa , , and on this occasion the site will memembagikan new sex story that does not lose its fun with the title Pleasure when I “Looted” Both Friends Villa Lelakiku
adult stories – the evening finished eating we all gathered in the room Center, Andri direct play VCD X-2. Scenes for the sake of a scene in the movie affects us, especially male comrades, they seem restless. The film is still a half main Susi and Kelvin disappeared, soon followed by Andra and Vito.
Pleasure when I Rendered Two Friends of Villa Lelakiku
Live I, Toni and Andri dilantai, we sat down leaning on the couch, I’m in the middle. See the film increased the heat make birahiku ruffled. Itching all over the body, bright dikewanitaanku mengelitik and every second passed increasingly peaked, I so wrong behavior. Toni’s first look at kegelisahanku.
“why Ver, anxiety really horny Yes” she admonishes joked.
“Guns again, silly you Ton” sanggahku.
“If horny said aja ver.. hehehe … right there we are-us “Andri chimed in.
“Rese ya both, watch aja tuh” sanggahku again withstand the shame.
Toni was not so just received our sanggahanku, among the highest rated hour flight suit he is already sure he knows exactly what I’m feeling. Toni not to waste, my shoulder dipeluknya as always he did, as if without the inclination nothing.
“relaxed Ver, if horny enjoy aja, not have to shame … that means you normal “Toni whispered while squeezing my shoulders.
Remasan and blow the breath of Toni while whispering causes all the feathers on my body meremang, without squeezing the tip of my hand felt skirt. Toni pulls my hand put dipahanya pressed diremasnya, while no doubt my hand squeezing his thigh so.
“aja Squeeze her thighs I Ver than the skirts” Toni whispered again.
if it were kidding never thighs, ass ‘ ‘ geboy just sometimes I squeeze without any sense, this time feeling the thigh Toni in remasanku makes my blood rustle loudly.
“Guns have embarrassed Ver, casually wrote” he said again.
bujukannya or either because I myself who want, not clear, that’s certainly my hand not moving from her thighs and every scene that ‘ wow ‘ kuremas his thigh. Felt got the wind, Toni release rangkulannya and move his hands on my thigh, initially still near 2.4 gradually makin up, every movement of his hands made me shudder.
somehow the beginning without mistakes I realizing hand Toni had been dipaha me, mengelus-elus with smooth, hand like to ward off, but, a sense of tingling-tingling tasty arising so strong, make me let the mischief the increasingly rampant Luca Toni’s hands.
“Ver gue liat deh same neck like the shoulders of you” Kiss my shoulders while Toni whispered.
I’ve just added karuan elusannya lulled rampant kecupannya with it.
“Ton” but I tried to resist.
“why Ver, just the shoulders of aja kan” without caring about my resistance Toni still Kiss even more, rising keleher, here I no longer seek ‘ ‘ jaim.
“Ton … Ahh “desahku not intolerable.
“Enjoy aja Ver” Toni whispered again, while kiss and lick the leaves of my ear.
“Ohh tons of” I’m no longer able to resist, all that pent-up sense since see ‘ ‘ live show and film, slowly crawl it again my body.
I’m only capable of feeling the pleasure of oral tengadah Toni in the neck and my ears. Andri who currently watch list last seen me like that do not stay silent, he began to demonstrate its doing the same thing. Shoulders, neck and ears to my left so the goal mouth.
see I was resigned to their increasingly aggressive. Toni’s hand getting to ride until the end touching the kewanitaanku still swathed CD. Elusan-elusan at kewanitaanku, remasan Andri on my tits and the warmth of their mouth making bubbling magma birahiku dileherku sejadi-it happened.
“Agghh.. Tonn … Drii.. ohh … sshh “desahanku grow hard.
Andri unveil tang-top and chewy Hill braku 34b-ku dilahapnya, instantly poking greedily. Toni also starred place his hand into the CD groped kewanitaanku wet by the liquid lubricant. I’m so uncontrollably with their attacks my body hard bergelinjang.
“Emmhh … aahh … ohh … aagghh “desahanku became moans-groans.
they were stripping the whole cover my body, polosku body was laid dilantai grounded their carpet and returned looted the airport. Andri swallow my lips with his tongue barged into the cavity of lusting my mouth, our tongues beraut, hook each other and suck with wild.
while Toni menjilat-jilat my thigh gradually getting up. .. ride a. .. and finally arrived at kewanitaanku, her tongue twitch wildly at the same time, klitorisku Andri had swallow my tits, putingku are pinkish so months lips and his tongue.
are treated like that made me lose consciousness, my body is like a flying diawang-awang, fall asleep under the pleasure of contact-contact them. Even I started daring backs Andri kuremas-squeeze, kujambak hair and merengek-rengek ask them not to stop doing so.
“Aaahh … Tonn … Drii.. teruss.. sshh … enakk sekalii “
” Your ver. .. later designate more “whispered Alex while licking deep in my ear.
heard the word ‘ more ‘ I like Bewitched, becomes hyperactive hips I lift-lift, want Toni do more than just lick, he understands, disantapnya kewanitaanku with menyedot-nyedot mound of flesh that’s getting wet by his saliva and cairanku. Not how long then I feel the pleasure it peaked, my body tensed, kupeluk Andri-who was enjoying the nipple-strongly.
“Aaagghh … Tonn … Drii.. akuu.. “oohh I screamed loudly, and feel the honey-beat delights in the kewanitaanku. My body melemas … lungai.
Toni and Andri finalize ‘ dish ‘ opening, left my body rest in innocence, while I close my eyes-remember what you just kualami. Games in the breasts and Andri Toni at kewanitaanku who spread the pleasure yet I’ve ever had before, and it has come back cause vibra-shakes of lust all over my body.
I am getting immersed in the shadows are washed away, and suddenly I felt breath ditelingaku and sense familiar … warm wet … Ahh … lips and tongue Andri start again, but this time my body like in gelitiki thousands of ants, it turns out that Alex is already plain and thick feathers on the arms and chest menggelitiki my body. As well as Toni already naked, he opened both my thighs wide with his head had been among them.
my eyes closed, I realize very well what would happen, this time they will make my body as the ‘ main ‘ dish. There is a sense of worry and fear but also looking forward to the sequel with the pounding.
So I felt experienced Toni’s mouth started acting … gone was a sense of anxiety and fear. Gairahku rose felt tongue Toni dibibir kemaluanku radiating, coupled with the lahapnya menghisap-hisap Andri putingku make my body mengeliat-stretching feel amused and deliciously dikedua sensitive point of my body.
“Aaahh … Tonn … Drii.. nngghh.. “aaghh rintihku unbearable again.
Toni then Scotch sofa with cushions of my hips so that my butt being raised, then returned his tongue play dikemaluanku. This time the tip of her tongue up into liang kenikmatanku, twitch wildly between the pubic and anal, my whole body like a stung power I lost control.
I’m moaning, sighing even shrieking feel pleasure no peerless. Then I felt something warm hard is dibibirku.. Andri virility! I mengeleng-their heads refusing his wish, but not menggubrisnya Andri instead manahan my head with his hand to keep it from moving.
“Lick … Ver “command is a firm.
I no longer could resist, kujilat is a great and hard already petrified then, Andri mendesah-desah feel jilatanku.
“Aaahh … Verr.. lick on.. nngghh “breathed Andri.
“Lick his head Ver” I obey her request that nobody may be kutolak.
gradually getting used to it and I can feel the also yummy menjilat-jilat that penis shaft, rotating my tongue on his cock making Andri sizzle sizzle.
“Ssshh …. the favour once Verr.. isep sayangg.. isep “pintanya diselah-selah desisannya.
I do not know how to do, saw just what I’ve seen on film, the head of the kejantanannya first kumasukan into the mouth, Andri grimace.
“do not pake gear ver.. isep wrote “protesnya, I tried again, this time Andri sizzling delights.
“o. .. so dear … sshh … tasty … Ver “
see Andri when it made me join in late in his delight, let alone injusticeKa kejantanannya melesak entrance part touching the ceiling above my mouth, not to mention delinquency tongue Toni the incomparable incessantly menggerayangi every corner kemaluanku. I am getting tossed around in the waves of the ocean of lust that hit my body, I’m not even ashamed to mention mengocok-ngocok the are half Andri virility in my mouth.
some time later his hip movement and accelerate Andri pressing deeper trunk his cock, my hand is not able to withstand the pace of entry into my mouth. I became gelagapan, ku geleng-your my head was about to let go of long objects but instead result in a shake of my head instead, making his cock like a dikocok-kocok. Andri mengeluar beringas increased inputs of its trunk and. ..
“Aaagghh … nikmatt.. Verr.. I.. kkeelluaarr “screamed Andri, water maninya menyembur-nyembur hard in my mouth makes me choke, partially slid down my throat some scattered out of my mouth.
I got to terbatuk-batuk and spitting-spit throw the rest of the dimulutku. Toni does not kuhiraukan I instantly sat leaning close my chest with cushion sofa.
“Crazy J. .. approximately celetukku dong “while murmuring.
“Sorry Ver … guns stand it. .. ABIS isepan you awful “answered Alex with a smile.
“Udah Ver don’t get angry, you are still the new long long also would like” broke Toni while I get you a drink and clean up the remaining cum from my mouth.
Toni was right, I was actually the last to enjoy all, let alone see a facial Andri when going out it just semburannya that left me stunned. Toni persuade and hugged me gently so that the kekesalanku soon subsided.
Dikecupnya forehead, my nose and my lips. The tenderness they make me forget this event. Peck dibibir changed to lumatan-lumatan that is increasingly interdependent, we also heats up, biting the tongue, Toni broke through my mouth, snaking like a snake, I’m hooked to respond.
Ohh … It is remarkable the game her tongue, my neck and my ears back to his target got me hard hold sigh-sigh of pleasure that just slid out of my mouth.
Toni down my body again grounded dilantai carpet, this time my chest nipple dilahapnya one dihisap-hisap other dipilin-pilin by his fingers. From my left breast his hand darting down to kewanitaanku, dielus-elusnya’m clitoris and lips kemaluanku. My body instantly mengeliat-stretching feel delinquency fingers Toni.
“Ooohh … mmppff.. ngghh.. sshh “desisku is not halted.
“Teruss.. Tonn … aakkhh “
I’m into more time Toni craze began to play more his tongue in kemaluanku, seeming complete lack of pleasure that I felt, both my hands kneaded my tits alone.
“Ssshh …. scrumptious Tonn … mmpphh “desahanku increasingly rampant.
soon Toni creeping ascending pounding my body, I await what will happen. Toni opening wider my legs, and then I felt the tip touch the mouth kejantanannya kewanitaanku wet by the liquid love.
“Aauugghh … Tonn … pelann “I screamed softly, as the head of the kejantanannya melesak to the kemaluanku cavity.
Toni stop motivation, momentary silence he head of his cock in the warmth of liang kewanitaanku. Then-still limited to one end – slowly he begins to memundur-majukannya. Something odd just immediately propagates from the friction it throughout my body. A sense of tingling, tasty and somehow let alone mingling ditubuhku make my hips mengeliat-stretching follow JAB JAB-Toni.
“Ooohh … Tonn … sshh … aahh … enakk Tonn “desahku softly.
I’m totally immersed in the incredible pleasure due to friction-friction at the mouth of kewanitaanku. My eyes sometimes terpejam-pejam kugigit bawahku lips and hissed.
good. “. Ver “asked Toni whispered.
“He ehh Tonn … oohh enakk.. Tonn … sshh “
” Your ver. .. later more palatable again “bisiknya again.
“Ooohh … Tonn … ngghh “
Toni continued swinging his hip and ascending-remain limited to the tip of the kejantanannya-with an increasingly rapid rhythm. As long as I’m swinging the crib of lust, suddenly Toni pressing deeper divide kejantanannya kewanitaanku.
“Auuhh … sakitt Tonn “I screamed when kejantanannya ripped out daraku membranes, it feels like a cut throat razor, Toni stop pressure.
“a little sick the first ver.. kok also lost the pain later “muttering Toni while licking and sucking my ear.
are either bujukannya or because the wild tongue stretching, which inevitably I began to enjoy the property of Toni is loud and warm in the kemaluanku cavity.
Toni then pressed deeper, immerse the whole stalks his cock and mengeluar-input. Friction kejantanannya dirongga kewanitaanku caused a sensation! Every JAB and colour makes me floundered.
“Ssshh …. ohh … Ahh … enakk Tonn … empphh “desahku is not halted.
“Ohh … Verr.. awful got you … oohh “praise Toni among lenguhannya.
“Agghh.. keep Tonn … “I have not raved teruss karuan enjoy hujaman-hujaman Toni kemaluanku in virility.
of lust began to sweat sweat dripping wet body. Screams, sigh and lenguhan coloring our struggle. Minute by minute virility Toni spreading the enjoyment of ditubuhku. Magma bubbling up increasingly of lust finally my body is no longer able to withstand the letupannya.
“Tonii.. oohh … Press Tonn … agghh.. the favour once Tonn “screams and moans long regardless of my mouth. My body mengejang, kupeluk Toni tightly birahiku, magma burst, removing liquid pleasure that flooded the niche-niche kewanitaanku.
my body limp drooping, but it didn’t last long. A few minutes later Toni started again spur gairahku, contact and remasan didadaku as well as his hip rotating back evoking birahiku. Again my body made mengelepar-gelepar terayun in the earthly pleasures. My well-thumbed like roasts, each position give different sensations.
Either how many times kewanitaanku throbbing climax but Toni looks like yet want to stop plundering my body. While the above posisiku Toni, Andri who is always earlier just watch immediately approached us, kneeling, he hugged me from behind. Dipagutnya my neck while his hands played the fruit of my chest. Let alone when her hands started messing diklitorisku made me become inflamed added.
Kutengadahkan my head rests on the shoulders of Andri, my mouth that endlessly issuing a sigh and lenguhan direct dilumatnya. Clinch Andri kubalas, we swallow, suck each other and exchanging tongue. My hips are getting spun, rocked back and forth with the former. I so want the entire contents of churning out Toni virility cavity kewanitaanku requesting more and more.
“Aaargghh … Verr.. awful … keep ver.. keep rocking “erang Toni.
Toni Moans make turmoil increasingly rampant birahiku, kuremas fruit of my chest which left hand Andri … Ohh I really enjoy all of this. Andri who feel less satisfied request a change of position. Toni sat disofa with distance running dilantai, I crawl towards his cock shaft.
“Isep Ver” pinta Toni, soon kulumat kejantanannya greedily.
“Ooohh … tasty ver.. continue to isep “
at the same time I felt Andri menggesek-gesek kemaluanku lips with the head kejantanannya. My body vibrated violently, as the pubic shaft Andri-a one and a half times greater than the property of Toni-slowly poking lip pierced kemaluanku and immersed in it.
Prick-prick virility Andri seemed to burn the body, birahiku back stretched hard. I’m becoming very wanton feel erotic sensation two rods virility in my body. Toni kulumat pubic shaft with a very ardent. Kesadaranku naluriku already lost that lead did all that.
“Verr.. keep Verr.. GUE ngga stand it anymore … Aaarrgghh “erang Toni.
I know Toni will soon shed the storage liquid dimulutku, I’m better prepared this time. How I felt when the hose burst of warm sperm blast-Toni.
“Aaagghh … really delicious Verr.. isep teruss.. thrash Verr “Toni screamed, again naluriku lead so I followed the request of Toni, kuhisap kejantananya that spout warm liquid and. kutelan liquid of it. Weird! Either because it feels, or the thrill of seeing a Toni sexual climax, which certainly I love liquid. Kulumat continued until the last drop and hard objects that shrink … limp.
Toni go leaving me and Alex, after Toni I feel is lacking. Ahh … It turns out the two men being made fun is much more exciting for me. But hujaman-pubic hujaman Andri was so ardent in position ‘ doggy ‘ can get me back merintih-rintih.
Moreover, coupled with elusan-elusan her thumb dianusku. Not only that, once spat upon Andri even enter her thumb into the hole anusku. Poke-poke her thumb and dikewanitaanku dilubang anus makes me mengerang-erang.
“Ssshh …. engghh.. Drii hard.. mmpphh “
” awful Drii.. aahh … oohh “
Hear eranganku Andri add vibrant hammered both thumbs, able lubangku add in Pierce anusku, made me add a forgotten land.
Are asiknya enjoy, Andri mencabUT virility and her thumb.
“Andrii.. Why dicabutt “protesku.
“Enter more Dri … pleasee “pintaku menghiba.
as an answer I just feel the saliva Andri anusku hole all, but this time more. I still do not understand what is going to do. When Andi started rubbing the head of his penis dilubang new anus I was aware of what was going to do.
“Andrii.. pleasee … Don’t be there “I asked menghiba Andri don’t do it.
Andri is not acknowledged, nonetheless rubbed-gosokannya, there is a sense of tingling-tingling taste good when he did it. Assisted with poke his finger gone was protesku dikemaluanku. Suddenly I felt the head of his cock is already penetrate anusku. Slowly but surely, bit by bit the storage trunk splitting anusku and sinks exhausted.
“Aduhh sakitt Drii.. akhh ..! “keluhku resigned because it feels impossible stop Andri.
“Relaxed Ver … as above, also missing the pain later “bujuknya while kissing her back and one hand again mengelus-elus klitorisku.
half of my body is a little disofa to me tengkurap, so make it easy for me to mencengram and bite my pillow the sofa to alleviate pain. Gradually, the pain was gone, I’m even starting to like the hard shaft that menyodok-nyodok anusku Andri. Delicious feelings slowly began to spread my body disekujur.
“Aaahh … aauuhh.. oohh Drii “erang-birahiku dyeing moans every penis poke Andri great. Andri with buasnya stamping-the beat of his hip. The harder the more I kejantananya menghujamkan Andri lulled in pleasure.
Toni who have recovered from the ‘ break ‘ his not wanting to just watch, he rejoined. Imagine will be looted again by their sharply gairahku tensi. On the initiative of our Toni moved kekamar sleep, my heart pounding game awaits them.
Toni down terlentang beds available with a head pillow, my body pulled the grounded menindihinya. While swallow my mouth-which immediately kubalas with lusting-he opened the second of my thigh wide and directly plug his cock into vaginaku. Andri who is behind the open parts of the spit on my butt and hole anusku.
realize what they will do cause unbridled lust vibration ditubuhku. Incredible sexual sensations can be excellent I felt when their hard virility shuffles cavity femininity and anusku. The beat-beat theirs dikedua lubangku gives pleasure not terperikan.
Andri who already tired knees asking for change of position, he took the position of lay down, my body terlentang it, kejantanannya remained in the anusku. Toni open wide my feet and menghujamkan kejantanannya dikemaluanku the plastered gaping.
this position makes me increasingly craze, because it is not only the second lubangku which rendered them but also my tits. Andri with easy, biting my neck and one hand squeezing my chest fruit, Toni equip it with my chest nipple suck fruit only. I’ve not been able to again hold the whaling pleasure for the sake of pleasure hit all over my body.
Lacing lacing-Toni’s increasingly savage coupled poke J, really not terperikan taste. Until finally I felt something in the kewanitaanku will keliaranku explode, all-consuming.
“Aaagghh … ouuhh.. Tonn … Drii.. tekaann “screamed and erangku not karuan.
and soon then my body seemed to drift, kucengram hips Toni strong-strong, kutarik so that the stem is hard hitting dikemaluanku, instantly everything became dark. Jeritanku, lenguhan, and moan them into one.
“Aduuhh … Tonn … Drii.. deliciously sekalii “
” Aaarrghh … Verr.. enakk bangeett,
are both pressing deeply into theirs, the warm liquid spurt almost simultaneously dikedua lubangku. My body vibrated violently wracked pleasure very, very terrible, my body in unison with mengejang beat dikewanitaanku beat-and we finally … drooping limp.
all night long unrelenting us pedaling pleasure for the sake of enjoyment until finally our body is no longer capable of rowing. We are crashing into the dream with a smile of satisfaction. The next days, not just who gave the Toni and Andri satisfaction, but also other men I like.
But I could never achieve the pleasure when with just one man. .. I’m just going to achieve satisfaction when ‘ looted ‘ by two or three men at once. END adult sex story read pictorial FreeEroticAdultStories only at adult stories FreeEroticAdultStories -Illustrated adult stories Girls Photos Sexy FreeEroticAdultStories-
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