the latest Adult Sex Stories accompanied by Photos of girls Nude and Sexy Like FreeEroticAdultStories Eva – the story of the previous hottest bokep entitled a friend’s brother Who got me Virginity , , and on this occasion the site will memembagikan new sex story that does not lose its fun with the title to accompany his wife and give her Boss Satisfaction During her husband go
Adult stories – my name is Eko (not his real name). I live in Lombok. My story occurred earlier in the year 2016. At that time I was studying at a College in one of a total private in Lombok.
Accompanying the boss Wife Giving Satisfaction & During her husband go
I take time off of College to work at a radio that was already well known in the town. That time I was working as a production crew. His work is very simple i.e. track record, make a radio advertisement, and prepare everything which is off-air.
the owner of a radio that his name was Mr. Virata! He has a wife who is very beautiful. I used to call it with her mother, Helen. Mother Helen height approx 170 cm, even taller than her husband. Helen’s mother is working in a private company in Lombok.
since the first worked on the radio, I’ve fallen in love with the ama’s mother Helen for the first time. This very pretty Gift mom, maybe sensual. Approximately 170 cm tall, her breasts are not large, not at all great. But it is precisely small tits that got me very curious. I’ve always been obsessed with small breasts! … hihihii
A while mother Helen told me to her house to fix a broken computer. Once inside the House I didn’t find anyone. Where Ya Diah, I thought. Kulangkahkan my feet into the middle room. Blank also. Whew, where nih. Slowly I walked into the kitchen while hoping meet with the idol. Kalo udah ya I sleep at home. Until I dikejuntukan by a pair of circular dipinggangku hands from behind.
“this evening spend Ya ya”, heard a whisper in my ear.
without further ado I soon rotate my body has stood in front of me and Mbak Diah with the paras are very pretty. Ya Diah face right in front of me. My nose barely in touch with nose Ya Diah. Felt warm on my face when Mbak Diah breath. I actually created was fascinated.
Ya Diah was already undressing with a pink kimono. His eyes glazed stare at me. Either the courage of which pushed my face so my lips gently kiss the lips Ya Diah. There was no resistance from Mbak Diah. My lips continued to play on the lips Ya Diah some time. I felt hands Ya Diah open tender kemejaku.
I tried my hand at loop backs Mbak Diah. Kuusap her back slowly while continuing to play my lips. My tongue started breaks into mouth Ya Diah. Ya Diah lips soft, fragrant and it kept me from getting bernapsu.
my tongue getting wild play. Kuciumi again his lips, her nose, her eyes, her temple, her cheeks, her chin. And it all feels soft. Breath Ya Diah increasingly persecuted. My hands move down the mencari2 rope kimono. After the meet, kubuka the rope slowly. When successful, the degenerate kimono but fell to the floor, my Kumundurkan and nampaklah views that are frequently kubayangkan.
You are not wearing a bra and the cd. Breasts that exists only in be my imagination now plastered clearly before me. Looks a little brown nipples and pink at the edges. Bener-bener according ama tastes and my hope. Her tits are small, perhaps the size of 34a. But I like really much for the ama.
“Eco why stop?”, he said softly while her eyes are glazed looks at me.
without thinking kuhampiri Ya Diah and knelt in front of him. I bent over and kissed her soft toes to his left while my hands caressed the soft shank right Ya Diah.
I’ve heard that time just lenguhan a favor from Mbak Diah. Kudongakkan my head staring Ya Diah. Mbak Diah just looked at me with glazed breath that hunt. Kuarahkan perhatianku again down. Kuciumi again left and right foot switch while my hand gently rubbing his calves.
Ya Diah continues to sizzle until sometime Ya Diah almost sitting due to resist the pleasures of kisses and caresses on his calves. I got up and kusandarkan body Ya Diah on the wall is the kitchen with body position stand. I knelt down again and now that being sasaranku is his thigh. Right thigh slowly Kuciumi Ya Diah. Mbak Diah right hand gripped the wall. Kuciumi continue to start dr over the knee until nearing the base of the legs.
Wafted the scent that made me increasingly drunk on romance when menciumi around the groin. Mbak Diah trying mengatupkan her thighs but I hold it with both hands so that remain open. Ciumanku move to the left thigh while my right hand moves up into the area of the belly and rubbed softly with the tip of my finger. Ya Diah getting hiss not karuan.
“Oh … Eco … Shh … sh… “
Ciumanku keeps up approaching the base legs. With a little kurenggangkan again jerking movement of the thigh Mbak Diah.
Oughhh … Mbak Diah trumpeted long received the perlakuanku suddenly. Kupandangi mound in front of me for a moment. Dense Jembutnya once and it smelled the fragrance. While still holding onto both knees Mbak Diah, my nose kujulurkan sweep jembutnya. Body Ya Diah vibrating accept sweeping my nose. It looks sketchy parts of meat and I licked slowly forest dense pubic hair splitting it.
“Ouhh … Eco … “, his hands reaching for rambuntuku and menjambak. My tongue continued to lick looking for meat. I felt there is liquid stick to dilidahku. Savory taste in muluntuku. Muluntuku began to suck the wonderful mound Ya Diah.
“oh … Sshh … Sshh … Eco … awful kooooo … “, breathed Mbak Diah. Sigh it made me increasingly malignant. Kontolku already strained from last but I want to play with Ya Diah. Hisapanku in the pussy Ya Diah increasingly wild. While Ya Diah snaking accepts his assault on memeknya.
“Eco … Ye kok pinter banget sih … “, said Mbak Diah spoiled. I just smile aja.
ciumanku Slowly climbed into the belly of the Ya Diah. Not long there I intend to directly invade breasts Ya Diah. I quickly got up. Kupandangi Diah who Ya breasts for a moment there earlier yet kusentuh at all. Then kupandangi face Ya Diah titik2, sweat springing up in her temple.
Kumajukan my face toward the bust Ya Diah, without redirecting the view from his eyes. Up in the left breast kukecup slowly nipples. Mbak Diah mendongakkan his face received a small sensation in the nipples. Left breast nipple Kukulum Ya Diah. Felt warm inside the muluntuku. Ya began to sizzle again.
“terusin terusin kooooooo …”,
I’m getting vigorous chewing on the nipples of the breasts Ya Diah. Occasional kusedot.
“Ahh!” Ya Diah shouted.
I glanced to the right breast. Soon kuarahkan my lips to the nipple on the right. Perlakuanku is different this time. I invaded the breast right Ya Diah with very wild while my right hand is holding the breasts with a powerful left.
perlakuanku which changed drastically, ya Diah shouting loudly with her head shaking left right. Keliaranku it survive for 10 minutes while the kontolku deliberately kugesek-gesekkan to the pussy Ya Diah.
Mbak Diah continuously raved. It is not clear what is spoken. I already can not stand it any longer. Soon kubalik body Ya Diah kupaksa to menungging. Mbak Diah holding her body with a hand on the wall. Kuarahkan kontolku to the pussy Ya Diah. Slowly I was trying to break through a rut pussy Ya Diah. Also looking for a rather difficult position hole vagini Mbak Diah. After a while finally kontolku inside pin pussy Ya Diah.
“Ya …” I hold a moment kontolku. Mbak Diah trumpeted long.
“ouhh … hss … koooooooooo …”
I immediately pull slowly until kontolku left his head in memeknya. And then kutusuk again with a quick movement. Mbak Diah again trumpeted the length. I did multiple times to 15 minutes. Without changing the position of the I speed up gerakanku. I let my arms hang freely.
Kontolku hold kupacu in the pussy Ya Diah. When the body until one Ya Diah mengejang great and Ya Diah howling good had an orgasm first. Ya Diah body vibrates shortly. I had to hold her body because as willing to drop to the floor. In fact I’ve almost got it but my hardest I endure. I do not want this game quickly completed.
Kudiamkan kontolku briefly in the pussy Ya Diah and let Ya Diah set her breathing, enjoy orgasmenya. A few moments later, I melanjuntukan more serbuanku to the pussy Ya Diah.
“Oh … uh … oh … uh,” the voice of Ya Diah pleasantness.
“Ko, awful” again, he added.
his left hand grabbed my left hand and put it on her tits. Sensation in two areas of sensitifnya make it THUMP diah ga ga karuan increasingly. Sodokanku in memeknya kupercepat while my hands were getting stronger in her tits. Finally, I pulled out the last of senjataku.
my Hands free kuarahkan to her anus hole. Kuludahi her anus and kuusap hard anal part Mbak Diah. Now 3 sections sensitifnya discharged I returned. Mbak Diah increasingly enjoy permainanku. Her head swinging add keseksiannya. He kept bumping receive poke kontolku. I began to feel sensation in chaotic kontolku.
“awful, Ya Ya”, I say?
“heh … uh … terusin ko. Ahh … “
my finger trying to break through to the anus liang Ya Diah. I dare not too deep. Afraid to hurt Ya Diah. Kontolku continues to menghunjam in pussy Ya Diah. Until I finally felt a wave of very strong ready to bust out of the kontolku.
“Ya … I dah mo out Ya … Mphhh… “
Iiiiyyaaaa ko … ya too … aaayooo koooo …”
Kupercepat gerakanku. Kontolku continues to break through the pussy until strong no longer hold akau gejolakku …
Croot … croot … croot … Ah … Ah … Ah …
kontolku kuhentikan Movement in the pussy Ya Diah. And any vibrating body Ya Diah was great. His left hand gripped my left hand playing in her breasts with very strong.
“AHHH … ekooooo”, teriaknya meet the indoor kitchen.
Kujatuhkan my head onto the back of Ya Diah. Kutarik kontolku slowly, and kuhunjamkan again into the pussy Ya Diah but with a very slow movement. both my hands holding the soft breasts Ya Diah. Really delicious. The oath of the favour really. Kuciumi slowly back Ya Diah while Ya Diah ga hold received orgasmenya.
after a while, I still let kontolku survive in the pussy Ya Diah. Then, slowly kutarik kontolku. Mbak Diah trumpeted feel the friction slow in memeknya.
“Ya … Really delicious. Ya beautiful, “I whispered softly.
“Eco … You are great. HHH … ya dont ngira you want ama ya “, he said while reversing his body and is now sitting on the floor limp drooping.
I wrote smile to hear it.
“sometime, kalo pengen ya, ya #NP Ya want to Eco again?”
“Mmmmm … Ready Ya! Any make Ya! “, I said, smiling sweetly.
this is the fisrt my sex story with Ya Diah, my boss’s wife. After that day, for four days I #NP Ya Diah every night. Nyesel so GA deh, Pak Wir many ijinnya. Permit continues to aja Pak wirrrrr …
my boss Any out of town I always accompany Mbak Diah and give him the satisfaction. END adult sex story read pictorial FreeEroticAdultStories others only in the adult stories FreeEroticAdultStories -Illustrated adult stories Girls Photos Sexy FreeEroticAdultStories-
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