the latest Adult Sex Stories accompanied by Photos of girls Nude and Sexy Like FreeEroticAdultStories Eva – the latest hot Story previously entitled the first woman who can keep me Satisfied in bed , , and on this occasion the site will share the story of the new adult sex does not lose its fun with the title Tante Tante residential Complex Janjian Gay with me
Adult stories – I stayed in one middle-class housing complex, not too large, more or less inhabited by 150 middle-class family. Only 1 way different from home, dipojokan there is a very beautiful house occupied by a family pack of July a businessman paced the too big belagunya.
Tante Tante residential Complex Janjian Gay with me
now that I had kept him deh important bokinnya cing … kutilang (tall skinny slim), her skin yellow, black hair and her eyes abis tuh … geunit pisan. Dikompleks among the fathers of the young fathers – talk about bokinnya Pak July baseball once dry, turn his house ketiban arisan complex mothers surely the Father always stand by at home.
other Baseball baseball not because he is so Ya his name famous, if wearing a shirt the bravest, wear a miniskirt dress belahannya and low ngongkong passengers most frequently. More gile again if he knew the Father there and ngelirik doi, he deliberately pamerin his oath CD jembutnya most betebaran sticking out from the edges of his CD.
the last month, the House of the gue ketiban Fortune Thanksgiving ceremony arisan, so definitely I mock bother bantuin bokin nyiapin everything, tau dong gue must appear cool abis, Versace jeans and clothes gombrong Guess I buttoned it off intentionally, let sexy said. Bener aja, gue liat si Ya He sat facing the dipojokan boudoir gue gue open half door which aja.
while facing the computer in nyamping I could see towards the family room, especially towards doi sit. DOI that afternoon wearing a black miniskirt with contrast of her skin and wear beige suits are tight, but the material really alus.
I’m time bodo deh denger mother – mother of Twitter which is important I can see the Lunar Ya hold occasional also ngelirik gue gue bertatapan smile, if the doi is also dong. Start the doi open pins legs, original beige pants his custodians that coy plasticity, plasticity centerpiece item is surely due to the dense, jembutnya and duile it koq gimana sih jembut berurai out.
Arrived – arrive doi ngedipin gue gue, continue to ngedip bales while julurin tongue, eh he even smile a smile and while her eyes like everyone meremin when again the preoccupation in toi. I’m the more desperate, now I’m second while ngadep and atarktif gue ngangkang swab-swab COB gue from outside the pants, I continue to love the code so she headed to the bathroom, pissing belagak lah. DOI ngangguk, samperin bokin said he continues to want to ride kekamar. GUE and doi know really, in bed bath beyond is still used the same mother a Tubby and Agus sounds like always.
“Mas, this Lunar mother willing to ride a kekamar here” bini gue with plain ngajakin doi kekamar existing bathing in the room I work.
“Ya Ya Pak Luki, abis bathrooms still feels old worn Mother Agus”, passenger ya, udah abis Nah hold most drinking “biasalah doi preamble let tasty dikupingnya bokin.
“Please Ma’am, but baseball papa khan I nerusin dikomputer work, knowingly Bu yet so entrepreneurs like Mr. July”
“Ah Pak Luki aja” said doi nyelonong kekamar while I shower. The base of his brain too clever in terms of having an affair, doi open bathroom door half and said “pack of Luki, ledengnya damaged huh?” bokin gue there’s more there. “Mas coba liat dulu deh, bantuin Mother Chandra, malu-maluin aja bathrooms” bokin gue half grumble.
“let the same assisted Mas Luki Yes Ma’am, he frequently shared a bathroom that” continue to back Middle kekamar bokin, soalnya bokin got the responsibility of the same folk dong arisannya. With belagak males – malesan I stand, eits COB I still ngaceng again, ah be stoic deh. Ya Chandra ngelirik also and is a reflex of doi ngeraba his groin, anjir …. the light aja gue trouser tent it higher,
“Hayo, his pants why tu” she whispered I entered kekamar time showers.
“you hell make me horny, so I’m a miserable deh, which wear jean again” I’m desperate to say so while ngeraba thighs mulusnya. Crazy as the doi instead of angry even said “Yes, if it’s in the hell haven’t absorbed”
“Abis which dong fun” if I’m still half whispered menyelusurin legs memiawnya towards the bejembut insane.
“well that was fun, that’s just you if I gituin too fun lah” alternating the doi ngelus COB gue from outside while you try – try opening retsleitingnya. Busyet crazy also this woman, where the smell of Isei Miyakenya really stimulating.
I’m Nah hold, “Ya ngent * t yuk” I’m wacky-edanan. ” Come on, when dong, mending brave again “his hand now I’ve cracked the jeans and began delicate narikin COB gue.
“Eh, who’s afraid especially if ngent * tnya with Ya” I’ve now managed to enter the finger into a wet and humid memiawnya. ” Tomorrow, Yes, swimming pool kekolam Ancol, 11 “tomorrow 10 less a quarter I’ve diparkiran stand by the pool, I phone him with no given yesterday in secret.
“Ya, I ya, udah sampe you where” gue rada was was also when doi we nah.
“this I just want to go in, tungguin ya, udah tongkolnya ngaceng again yet” damn ngetest I times, but rame banget koq sounds the hell anyone is giggling behind him. Die I don’t – don’t I want to know is, who framed him bring bokin gue.
“ye sama SAMA, who the hell really do play, I so can baseball ngaceng again ya”
“Promise gimana sih, he said want ML eh you bring other people” half the way I’m calling Tau kesel.
“Certainly deh his promise, anyway cool really you later” she ngalemin I. Baseball to 10 minutes, white Honda cars landed exactly beside the car I.
“Surprise, nah nah ngajak ya ketauan – ngajak we” sound 2 Ce temennya Candra cried together.
Oops pucet gue banget, because it turns out that the neighbor also invited gue, Rina bininya Ya pak Joko and Ya Ita bininya Mr. King. Incorrect behavior of gue abis. “Uh, surprised Yes, take it easy, khan udah aja know, Groovy-Groovy aja deh pak Luki, eh if outside Mas Luki” Ya dong Ita small and white (just really artist) it nyerocos aja made the atmosphere so tense baseball. ” Nah deh we bilangin his wife “the Rina that body and facenya such as Dian Nitami nambahin, yes I’m makin feel really siep dong. But vigilance maintained do not run man.
after basa basi soon, “Udah ya Nah, anyway there can know other than us – we ya Mas” Rina now which makes me makin PD. ” Anyway enjoy aja deh, we’ve three compact weight lho “Candra without hesitate ngegandeng me toward the counter.” Khan, the same janjian Mas gue Luki, elo on don’t ngiri Yes, our success entar also GoTo “. The road now heads the Rina, doi pesen dressing room and rinse off the family.
All message ban swimming 2 the guédé really. Gosh, let alone the idea of hell. As we wrote them lightly ngajak family I entered with keruang dressing and rinse. Denngan calm their open skirt, dress and keep their damn quiet BH, aja gue baseball seems to exist there. If I wrote a crazy baseball ngaceng liat Candra, Rina and the Ita age of about 30 an on show off bodynya.
“Eh, Mas Luki want to swim or want to watch us streap tease” said the Ita while open BH white transparantnya.
“Yes light want to swim, but I will anyway rinse first ah, Cook immediately swim” I sense – akalan so that they also want to berbulat, paced very recently toket body and half clay. I open my shirt and pants, so live CD they cried with my “Fun Yes, udah ngaceng”
“He UH abis you guys anyway so stimulating and fascinating” says I’m just ready – ready to want to open a CD I.
“Ah Nah fair ya, Cook so I had to bare, barengan dong so I baseball shame”
“Hu … wants tuh, huh ye Chandra khan who had an idea, you used to be dong … where jembutnya udah tu on exit Ouch” said the Ita while narikin jembutnya Chandra who popped a CD from the suburbs continued.
“I heck Ta principle, once open pants abstinence if … nah …”
“Joss!!!!! “Itâ ‘s like chorus and Rina nerusin what si wants Chandra.
“she deh, I’m also ashamed when khan out dressing room later swempaknya there are tent high.” Search for justification.
“can be dikolam later people, broke up the band on want ya gue spectacles” gue belagak pitiful while most stupid … the Monas. So baseball is stiff, gue datengin si Candra still standing near the hangers, I cuddle doi with both hands on her ass, I kiss her lips a la French kissing, tongue each other meet.
“Wow, ya ya lust” si Ita ngeledek. Really cool ass deh si Candra who nonggeng I remes – remes, tempelin gue abis mekinya with COB, Candra direct horny pingggangnya rocked the mekinya automatic spinning above the cob gue.
about 3 minutes of scenes that I defend, I’ve actually really lust want to directly enter the cob I kememiawnya sure I’ve Chandra wet. Wait I got cool cing dong, because there is still the strategy pairs 2 other nonok awaits.
I’m Slowly SAG, with fixed eyes looked at her hands I moved slowly squeeze the toketnya spinning pentilnya relatively still not cede. “Eh elo don’t ngiri, while not yet able to turn its own squeeze on aja dulu” still had his ngeledek he is also stunned to see the squeeze while I toketnya the front squat attempt while she is, wear the gear I pull gently the CD. ” Tasty Yes Can remasannnya Mas Luki? “Rina asked without direction because I know he is also unwittingly squeezing and wring pentil toketnya.
“We have open ya” Itâ ‘s the CD a little draw protests while his hands ngobel own memiawnya.
“Here sweetie, dong gue hands baseball sampe if elo on far far away –” I could talk baseball anymore because the long Lunar attract head towards nonoknya I ask licked, after Cd SAG to 2.4 feet. kesampean also jilatin gue nonoknya rasain and Candra are jembutnya gilaaaaaa!!! Itilnya rather bloat, really red, I know after working hard against the fur jembutnya.
for a moment silent locker room, while the storage ngejokil abis liang Candra gue solider for his CD pelorotin Rina and Ita barengan, and here’s a view of his eyes all viewers: Chandra, toketnya 34 pentilnya really good shape, somewhat brownish skin, whole gede bodynya coy yellow toned shiny ass part, there is a little bit of cellulite, jembutnya … khan udah tau elo on keteknya Ditto ditto en plumes. The obvious baseball neat, serabutan closes all parts memiawnya approached puser.
While ngedorong his ass forward so I could tongue more entrance in kelobang nonoknya, he kept sighing, walk kananya softly ngegesek COB gue from outside the CD, while venture in from the side of the CD. Rina, I pelorotin use your right hand, toketnya gede rather long like papaya, Peel ripe sapodilla fruit, knowing Java Solo seems like, featherweight ketek anti razor, serabutan around the milk that is 36. Pentilnya was a bit cracked.
a toned Legs, height of about 170 cm, curly jembutnya neat, organized around a pit nonoknya (often berbikini times..) Pit nonoknya extends, under the folds of the stomach there is the former Caesarnya stitches. DOI continues to squeeze the milk while I hand a liatin again trying nurunin CD pinknya.
Order fast, doi joined ngebantu nurunin Cd. ITA, siimut, height approximately 158 of the most sparsely jembutnya lah, so the inside of the memiawnya pink easy plasticity, toketnya small size kenceng 32, her stomach flat, most calm keliatannya but his hands megangin her ass kept active themselves, don’t – don’t doi most hobby dibol from behind. “Yes you on bath first dishower deh” I said quietly, while licking the rest of Lunar juicenya are there around the lip of the gue.
Chandra baseball reacts, she’s nuntun I just sit, fitting her sitting in front of the squat gue gue and brebet he pull the CD I, he pandangin the entire kostruksi COB gue, “don’t he Can direct, maenkan, sophistication, show you what need to be gue nih plunge” Rina sewot Lunar ngeliatin are still looking at COB gue while ngurut from the direction kepangkalnya palkon, without comment while his left hand the love of baseball code need direct, Tunny gue began slowly dijilatin.
the entire head of the cob gue (helmnya) must be rotated, doi know the most tasty i.e. the bottom Palkon about disconnected. Clear liquid I dijilatin while her eyes looked at the direction of the eye, as if I need the recognition or comments I can only lift the 2 thumb, bravo Can go ahead.
Next cepet banget his tongue stopped dancing baseball shifted around the stems of cob, so dikemot into her mouth which she sexy keluarin reserves his saliva, so it’s like I swim in the cob saliva, there was a sense the baseball gear Cing, learn from Pansy Garden Mace times.
I’ve like a tortoise turtle – reversed, gue kelayapan feet, I tumpangin above his shoulders while if the baseball I’ve hold the head of the gue abis bekep Candra same thigh gue. “Rina – Ita here dong, I want ya megangin tetek and nonok you” Baseball to 2 times their order directly nyamperin gue and Candra. The Rina nyodorin milk suction and I ask pepayanya siimut adjoining foot ngangkat Ita over the bench, stand beside me and ask for the dirojok nonoknya with the index finger that I was still free because there is no order.
I hold nonoknya red already rada muddy knowingly derivative of Chinese, so I entered her index finger that gerakin his hip back and forth rich again ngent * t wrote her style. DOI merem fur fur ngerasain open literacy – that there is in the hands of gue, his hands ngusap pentil milk gue are irregular.
ngejilatin her lips part in an ear of the rada caplang gue, sometimes ngemut are also part of ear Wattle ogud, kept whispering so that baseball heard the same other “Mas Luki, pejunya don’t diabisin all Yes, you want her ass Ita ngerasain open baseball” … Busyet bener khan doi hooked dibool proof, so I’ve pindahin fingers his ass kelobang rada loose, crazy times Mr. King, hooked a cutesy bokinnya sodomy bener. I just ngangguk and nyodorin lips I create ngerasain open also ciumannya si Ita.
the fragrance really deh si Ita, the smell of Kenzonya makin ngerangsang gue. Let fair nonoknya a neat jembutnya Rina gue rojok, too, still a bit dry but steady itilnya thick, because feel kinda dicuekin times, baseball wait the squat behind now Ita Chandra, his right hand ngelus tetek and pentilnya Chandra and his left hand trying to ngobok – ngobok nonoknya Chandra grew wet, because I see sometimes si Ita jilatin his finger that wet slimy, let alone if it wasn’t really cool Lunar juicenya taste.
Chandra makin asyik aja nyepong gue, his body stretched – stretching due to preoccupation dikobel Ita, I know sometimes the Ita to enter into your buttocks Candra, our success entar I replace also the Lunar boolnya, deh gue berandai Thumper. I can only yell “Ngent * t. .. crazy ngent * t yummy bener ye same on Lunar, uhhhh … uhhhh …. This gue abis ent * tin elo Yes, I dont want ngent * tin you from behind, I’d like a ngent * t while continuing to ngeliatin you jembutnya nonok mad. ..”
“Rina, I want a ngent * tin you while sitting let me I could hold you, tetek meres really sexy” I say keep silly. ” TA, gue ngent * tin you from behind Yes Ta, I pengen ngent * t ass Ta dilobang, abis elo sexy banget sih goyangnya “
Elo saranin deh gue if ngent * t again got a say frequent – often vulgar, Ce any kind of appetite dengernya makin, elo and I guarantee the more lust if Ce which is not Cabo or Pecun shouted vulgar talk, too. Wuih ai guarantee dah ….
“Mas Luki, later pejunya create Rina is also Yes, don’t get sprayed all the Lunar kemulutnya” Rina while slowly draw the hair I also hope with regard to appetite collar COB gue udah abis dikemot that Chandra. ” Keep I receive what I want, dong also dong Mas pejunya Luki ngerasain open “protest to the Ita Rina temples have not ask for rations of gue.
Nah hold gue gue COB who pull baseball out of his mouth so gede Candra, gue dudukin si Rina kebangku, I kangkangin his thigh that also like si Dian Nitami, curious gue liat people most want to anyway.
I lick a itilnya udah rada ngegelambir, cing gile juicenya really fun it seemed, loads and melted into the aperture of his ass. The responsibility I lick all the Brown butt holes, which are still too bejembut.
ngisepin teteknya bantuin Rina Chandra, his hands join AIDS ngedorong head ngejilatin entry lest I’m makin nonoknya Rina are neatly shaven head jembutnya. “Ah Candraaaaa … insane …. awful Luki Mas ya jilatannya, Oh mama … .. mama … I hold ya ndak, ….. Candra elo apain pentil I heck …. enakkkkkk Can. … ” Rina becomes violent – that makes hanging toketnya ronta kekiri and little to the landscape, getting horny cing.
Er where the cutesy Ita, doi calm aja, butt I raised slowly until the height parallel head I located in the groin Rina, doi sit slipped through the crotch I now so sit facing non terayun I the cob.
a quick and agile he was suction of his mouth with the cob I’m Petite, back and forth attempting to swallow the whole COB gue rod runs out. Occasionally he moved the gue peler seeds chewing on jembutnya okay, wuih cing really … fun ….
With imutnya such kancil he slipped through the crotch is moving towards the direction of the rear, he squeeze – squeeze butt I.. I’m shocked, suddenly there is a strange sense of amused – amused engrossed dilobang butt I’m slightly berjembut, ih … fuck the hell …
Anjir. …. apparently its tongue Ita dancing around the ass hole that sometimes she try julurin in. .. Well now I wonder why baseball Homo hooked dimonon emang delicious, apparently if bool we entered something.
“Ta … …. keep Ta …. our success entar alternating deh gue jilatin your pink anus … you … keep Ta … fun …, delicious crazy ….. “I’m for a moment forget task ngejilatin nonoknya Rina.
“Mas Luki …. Rina almost nih …. again dong jilatin … responsibility little more Mas … Oh Yes … bear.” Rina hope I act.
Direct I sosor again nonoknya, I lick abis melt juicenya leading kelobang ass, I continue to lick … towards bolnya and Rina makin squirm – stretching like a chicken that is cut out of the responsibility.
“Mas … … … ent * tin me aja dong, briefly out deh” Rina raised head wishing I was right.
the caves Act gentle dong, don’t make him upset, by kneeling gue gue COB rods that hold the still wet because of the mixture of his saliva Candra and Ita. ITA alacrity moved left hand place Rina, while the Lunar stay on position dikanan Rina while continuing to squeeze toket pepayanya Rina.
all of which appear to await what will happen, “Chandra – Ita, gue ngent * tin Rina first does not mean the band at will number, gue gue promise deh band all one by one will I ent * tin also”
“Okay Mas, for us there is the important issue of the baseball we bener bener ML –” Candra embolden.
I applaud abis same si Candra, solidarity high, not selfish, he deserved so head gang.
“Luki Ya Mas, Mas Luki khan later can rename it so Mas Cipto (Jeep roto)” si Ita joined nimpalin.
arahin COB gue gue Slowly shaped bit kekiri leads his head, baseball is hard to enter Rina nonoknya, but make appreciate doi gue temples feel hard dong. Blebessss … … emang bener, cing gile ngent * t tu awful. I reject the waist use left hand, Tunny gue are 15 cm forward-backward, twisting, spinning, left right searching for itil and G spotnya Rina … … ….
“Mas Luki, … … Yes … Yes … that there are marem Mas “Rina vibrates, all parts of the bodynya are tasty – palatable anyone responsible, toket nonok – left and right, field coordinator there ass holes (KorLap)
” Tasty Yes, Mas tongkolnya … EH Mas Luki …., … keep Rin … keep rocking Rin … fun abis … don’t put on hold – resistant “Lunar still wring pentilnya Rina while his eyes lust see COB gue working dimemiawnya Rina.
“come on keep Mas Luki … make the Rina satisfied, … here dong hand that one”
Chandra bernasehat while dirojer nonoknya rations requested. If you want to be honest should I got muasin Chandra first, besides its main target indeed khan he was, baseball wear twice again I enter middle finger I’m into nonoknya which is already getting wet.
“Aghhhhhh … agh … …. I dapet Can … I dapet Ta … …, Mas …. This ya Mas it tastes Delish ngent * t” Rina makin mengelinjang.
“Mas …. later again yes …. Massss …. … asu …. asu. …. peline kui lho Mas …, maremmmmmm “hu … original plasticity deh si Rina, out the Richness. GUE tancep deeper COB gue, without movement again gue pendam out. .. and emang bener Delish Ce Solo, tau Nah lo … all of a sudden I felt something churning – the quick playlist head and trunk …
“Ouch … Oh fuck ya Rin, Ouch … crazy fun – fun …. “I smile while continuing to tancepin COB gue.
“well, just know he … so don’t mess – main same Ce Solo” Rina nyubit belly while I smile wide ngeledek.
I Slowly pull out COB gue abis ngaceng that is still, I think the more entrenched plasticity.
“Whoa Candra, Nah deh same janjian we mistaken Mas Luki” said Rina while behind meres toketnya Candra and Ita.
“Bener ya Rin, awful Yes ngent * tnya …. yuck you keringetan banget deh” Ita melap sweat around the neck to his stomach Rina.
“Hayo, now who the responsible nih issued peju gue” with temples furiously gue liat towards Candra.
Because like I said, He was a prime target, so he must know the dong. END adult sex story read pictorial FreeEroticAdultStories others only in the adult stories FreeEroticAdultStories -Illustrated adult stories Girls Photos Sexy FreeEroticAdultStories-
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