the latest Adult Sex Stories accompanied by Photos of girls Nude and Sexy Like FreeEroticAdultStories Eva – the previous hottest sordid story entitled the mother and Younger Siblings who understands the situation that Sex Addiction , , and on this occasion the site will share the story of the new adult sex does not lose its fun with the title the dilemma of love a woman as a girlfriend or Because only [Sex
adult stories – on this occasion, I would like to tell the experience exciting and sexy the other between me and Karen. Our relationship has been going on for almost 1 year old. Since the incident that night, both of us more often engage in intercourse.
love a woman as a Girlfriend or because of Sex only
at least 3 to 4 times a week or not at all, especially kalo me or he was a lot of work in the Office. And we did his almost anytime. But most of us do at home (mostly on the sofa and bedroom). But we never do 2 times in the car in the garage of our apartment.
well, I admit it reply to have sex in a car is the most uncomfortable. In addition to the narrow, difficult to move freely. But the challenge and feeling the pounding scares other people caught that we admire, making our sex life gets worse tinted.
this relationship is of course no one knew anything about, especially girlfriend Karen and Lisa are now already in Indonesia. Until the end of his Karen decided his relationship with his girlfriend. The reason that Karen used to break up with his girlfriend was the loss of his feelings of love towards him. I myself don’t dare ask Karen what it is today only I’m the one that is in his heart.
to be honest, I also do not understand with my feelings towards Karen. Whether I like him because he’s attracted me sexually or more than that. Karen was not ever ask me if I’ve put his real heart to himself. So my feeling is that time seem to stomach, and filled with uncertainty and concern.
many that should be considered in this connection. I dare not drove 1 step again. Remembering Karen is the older brother of the former girlfriend of my old self, and how later when our parents both know this relationship. Moreover, I myself do not know between I’ve loved Karen as a girlfriend or because of sex only. Maybe I’m too selfish to think of things like this, because I do not consider the feeling of Karen.
all this have missed while I was in Sydney for duty there for 50 days from early November 2006 to mid-December 2006. My company send 1 team (total 4 people) including me to the city of Sydney to help another team there developed the system of company in Australia.
our headquarters are located in Sydney, and one branch office where I work is still in the city of Melbourne. At least once every three months, we had to pay a visit to Sydney for a briefing or a branch meeting. And then only for a few hours, so I do not need to have to spend the night in Sydney. But this time is different, because I have to stay at least 50 days in Sydney.
Karen apparently not welcome this news excited. But he had no other choice to hold I go, because this is a project that cannot be underestimated. I set out Monday morning with friends in other work. We gathered at the Melbourne Branch Office, then hire a taxi drove to Melbourne domestic airport.
Arriving in Sydney, we were greeted by representatives from Headquarters and drove us to the hotel. Our hotel is located 1 block from the Central Office, and is in a very strategic location. Easy access to shops and restaurants, so shopping and dining Affairs need not worry. All accommodation incurred by the head office including the personal allowance.
on the first day in Sydney, his evening I called Karen ask her news. We talked a lot while laughing joke. A lot of times when I asked Karen home from Sydney. I myself do not know when will be able to complete the project, which is surely the 50 day it is estimated our company. But I told Karen to reply I will work hard so that the project could be completed more quickly 2 or 3 days than expected.
I propose to Karen if I can fly to Melbourne every Friday night and returned to Sydney on Monday morning. Because travel Melbourne â € “Sydney by plane only about 1 hour away. But the proposal was rejected because of Karen, don’t want to make me tired or sick.
Also said Karen is good for both of us to mutually familiarize yourself away from each. Weeks of first, second, and third, I can control my feelings and because of his busy job, I can forget my longing to Karen.
to the end of his month-old, I’ve no longer wanted to meet with Karen. I still remember that night, a Thursday night in late November 2006. I greatly miss against the Karen. Until the end of her I’ll call her from my hotel room.
“Hallo Karen? Gimana kabar? Belon dinner already? “, sapa-ku.
Heard a soft voice reply from there.
“Hello kak Ditto. Karen last buy take away males only, Cook. Because Cook make Karen doang is such a waste, “he said.
“Karen abis it wants doing?”, asked me once again.
“Hmmmâ € ¦ possibly watching TV or browsing the Internet. Moreover, dong kalo in addition to the two it?, “joked Karen while laughing lightly.
“Emang kak Ditto pengen Karen doing? Kak Ditto guns were here, so Karen idle. “goda, Karen.
“Anuâ € ¦ Karen emang longer want?”, ask me again. Understand the intent of the question kan-ku.
“Yeeeâ € ¦ kak Ditto ge-er ya. During kak Ditto here Karen kan guns need to Cook, cut fruit create kak Ditto. “Karen replied, jokingly.
“Yeah right too anyway. Emang Karen enjoy idle days? “, asked me curious.
“of course not. Karen pengen kak Ditto here. Karen really quiet here. Fast home dong?! The era of guns kangen ama Karen? “, his spoiled pinta.
“of course Miss, every day I miss ama Karen loh”, answer me.
“Emang kak Ditto missed his from Karen what? Kak Ditto consider Karen as who? “, asked him a bit serious.
Bak kesambar lightning, I know one day Karen definitely ask this. And I’m speechless a moment, don’t understand what should answer. The atmosphere is quiet for a moment, until at the end her Karen voiced.
“his True kak Ditto Karen presume that they as what? Karen sometimes do not know what is kak Ditto think or feel. Karen fear wondering about it to kak Ditto. But it should be understood that the Ditto for kak Karen, kak Ditto is the most important person in the hearts of the Karen. “, connect.
“ahh ¦”, I still silence. I like berate myself. What is his true wants me this? Women are gentle, kind, and very dear to me are giving me the signal, and I do not know how to act.
“Kak Ditto?!”, asked him again.
“Yes Karen. I’m still here, “he said.
“is it better not call Ditto kak Karen until later kak Ditto returned from Sydney?”, ask him serious.
“why, how so?”, asked me, surprised.
“Karen wanted kak kak with feelings thinking Ditto Ditto, if his true meaning of Karen for kak Ditto? Because Karen wanted to be the most meaningful create kak Ditto exceeds the others. Whatever his reason. “, with a serious tone. I still can answer questions Karen belon. Because I still have not found the answer to her that night. His end our conversation closed that night.
after the conversation that night, I strive to not contact Karen for the rest of the time in Sydney. Want to taste her mad, I really miss him. But I’m trying hard not to get in touch with him, so that I too can think freely.
Karen, Karen, Karen, and Karen. That’s how the contents of my brain at that moment. Every meal, every time, each time shopping, always face Karen that appeared in my brain. I do not think of how important her Karen for me.
Until the last night in Sydney, our company treats we all have dinner as a thank you to the Melbourne team that has helped the development of the project. Although the system was not yet 100% complete, but we are confident team from Headquarters could finish him properly.
because our branch office in Melbourne have also begged headquarters in Sydney for (his term) returns the asset they (the four of us) as soon as possible. Sekembali at the hotel, I send an sms to the Karen. “Hallo Karen. Tomorrow I return to Sydney. I want to say something to make Karen. Karen patient well. See u 2morrow “.
soon thereafter, Karen meresponse sms-ku. “Hallo also kak Ditto. Karen dah ga wait again to kak Ditto home. ATI-ati on the road Yes “. I’m Karen sms again. “Lets celebrate my arrival. Please booking restaurant at the Sails on the Bay. Check on the Internet for their phone number. ”
“No problem. But why choose restaurant expensive sich?! “, replied his sms.
“Surely Kalo ngga anything. Pengen romantic dinner ama Karen. “, answer me.
“Ok deh. Cannt wait to see you. -) “, Karen said to them.
the next day, after a split in the headquarters, the four of us with segara left Sydney to Sydney Airport. During the drive home, I kept thinking about the words I want to say anything to Karen. Keep in mind, I have decided to make it a girlfriend to me. But I want to compose the words of the proclamation of the good and true. Understandably, I am not very good at this.
Arriving in Melbourne, four of us back rent a taxi again toward the branch office in Melbourne. Be advised also, Melbourne branch office only has 2 car Office, and always just a second car that never deserted.
that day was Friday, so once our offices Melbourne, many of our development project briefing in Sydney with our head manager with a relaxed atmosphere. The clock still showing at 3 in the afternoon, there were still 2.5 hours longer to return home. But our head manager allows us to go home early.
a rare Bid that is not going to miss us. I decided to first streets in Melbourne city, while window shopping too. Looking for something nice make Karen. The end of her I stopped in front of the store jewellery Tiffany & Co., and I see a truly beautiful necklace. Without long thinking I got in the store and buy that necklace. I’m sure Karen would be getting pretty wearing the necklace.
Hours have shown at 5, I used to just go home to my apartment. Booking time made our dinner at 7 pm. Because it is summer month, hour 7 nights still looks bright in the city of Melbourne.
Once in the apartment, all seemed to look a little different. All of his versatile neat and orderly, as well as clean. I was so embarrassed at my own self, I mean the most cluttered in the apartment. More a month without me here, all so neatly back. This is definitely the work of Karen for me in Sydney. He was very neat and organised once his personality.
without thinking longer length straight to the bathroom and quickly wetting myself. While in the shower, I kept thinking about what would I say to Karen. “Karen, I love you. Be my girlfriend “, I thought. Do not deh, too short and urakan effect anymore.
“Karen, I can’t live without you.”, I thought again. Gile, too short and muluk again.
“Duh, gimana nih?!”, I said to myself.
“already lah, let it flow like the wind. You can do it. “, I replied with a half confident.
once done showering, I’m just out of the shower with the lower part of the body is closed by a towel. Understandably, the summer I was lazy once fully dressed after a shower.
I saw Karen Briefcase on top of the sofa. So I guess Karen is already home from work.
“Karen, where are youuuu?”, panggilku spoiled. “Kak Dittoooo, where the gift shop nyaaa?”, the answer is also spoiled while menghampiriku and hugged me tightly. “In the past, Ntar during dinner later.”, I replied with a smile. “Sip sip. Karen want to shower first. Kak Ditto ready-prepared aja dulu. After that the car panasin well reply briefly. “, Karen pinta. “Ok,” I replied.
after myself ready, I immediately pocketed the necklace that I bought from Tiffany & Co wrote a small box wrapped with tiny ornaments. I sat on the couch while watching a TV broadcast that just happens to serve the television series The Simpsons. The clock still showed at 6, so I take my time relaxing on the couch.
soon the Karen out of the bathroom and immediately headed to his room. I heard the music and noise of the blow dryer in the room. Can I guess reply Karen were busy dressing up in his room.
a half hour later, Karen finally came out of his hiding place. Seems he’s standing next to the sofa where I sat with legs running with treatment. “Kak Ditto, Karen dah ready to depart.”, sapanya.
“Oh my goodness …”, I thought in my heart. Karen was wearing a night dress color is light blue. Hair length is allowed regardless without wearing any ties or pins. The smell of the perfume worn really fragrant and fit with the dress she wears.
plus a pink heart-shaped brooch was further made it gracefully that night. Whatever he wore that night seemed simple, but simple or combined everything on Karen’s body, make it wonderful.
“You look beautiful.”, I said without thinking.
“Thanks” Karen replied, pointing and kissing my cheeks.
“We will be late. Yuk we leave now. “, Karen pinta.
We got to the place at 7 through 10 minutes. The restaurant choice is not wrong. In addition to the interior was interesting, its location was not less interesting. The restaurant’s location right on the beach. We had booked a table in with ocean view. The outside overlooking the beach lined by a big glass of cold, so the restaurant guests can enjoy views of the ocean while enjoying their meal.
after ordering the entrée, main, and dessert to the waitress who served us, we are chatting casually while waiting for our orders out. Mostly I was dominating the conversation, because I want to tell you about my experience during his time in Sydney.
Karen was only a smile-a smile just to hear my story. I know what Karen guns that night to listen to my story or just simply listen. Ah, no one, anyways not too important also for Karen.
the choice wine Pinot Noir and Cabernet Sauvignon wine selection of Karen coloring the night atmosphere. There is nothing we need to worry because tomorrow is Saturday night, and it was a long night for both of us.
Hours have shown at 9 pm, and warm sticky date pudding dessert-I have my dining out. Karen looks who still enjoy the lemon cheese cake. Now it’s time I should tell what Karen wants me to tell him.
“Karen, thank you for coming the dinner tonight?”, I said while starting a new conversation.
“Ah Kak Ditto, don’t be so formal. Please. “, replied Karen with a smile.
“Karen. … I have a confession to make. But before that I like to give you something, “I said, as soon as possible while merogoh-rogoh my pants pockets.
the hem of that necklace and box kudorong slowly towards the edge of the plate dessert Karen.
“What is it?”, asked Karen with her cheeks that have turned into reddish.
“Please, open it. I know you’re gonna like it. “, I replied.
after the box was opened by him, it seems his face became radiant mixed sheepishly. Without thinking long, Karen stood up from his seat and immediately hugged me while kissing my left cheek.
“Thank you kak Ditto. It’s cute. Karen likes really, “replied Karen. Kubantu himself put up the necklace, and I think it is also true, she looks even prettier with wearing that necklace.
“Well, Karen. There’s more that I want to make love Karen. But this isn’t stuff. “, I say again. This time it appears the face of Karen little changed. Changed into wonder and face would like to know. “Karen, I hope you know that I like you a lot. Like here make in the sense just like. But like here … hmmm … means more than liked. “, I said while grogi.
Karen still silent, and this time highlight her eyes staring at my eyes sharply.
“I know this is going to hard for both of us, but if we both work together – I’m sure we can make it. Maybe it’s time we have to end this relationship … and … “, I say while teasing.
Not just Karen karuan surprised and shocked. Highlight her eyes sharp piercing makin. Now quickly I continue kata-kataku, “… and let’s start our new relationships, where it has a future for both of us.”. “Karen, would you like to be my girlfriend and me to love us your boyfriend?”, pintaku to him.
hearing this question, highlight the eyes become glazed, Karen and Karen could only be looked down while looking at the lemon cheese cake dessertnya living separoh. Karen quietly alone. I’m one of the vagaries of, and do not know what to do now.
“Sorry to reply to these questions make Karen shocked, but I hope I can hear a Yes or No answer from Karen.”, I replied.
“Reply Karen takes time to answer it, I ngga objected to give Karen sometime to think.”, sambungku again.
Karen still silent, but this time Karen resume eating leftover lemon cheese cake him without a Word. I was further confused. After eating his dessert runs out, Karen sipped the rest of wine still left a little and looked back at my face. We looked at each other, and then Karen simpered.
“today Karen really given two gifts from kak Ditto. Moreover, the second gift. “, says Karen.
“so, it’s a Yes or it’s a No?”, I said.
Karen slightly forward, and his face closer to my face smiling spoiled and said, “it’s a big YES”. We both smiled at each other, and kucium both hands. Today my proclamation was very traditional, but very memorable for us. Since that night, our relationship became official (the term).
we left the restaurant at 10 pm, and we’re not immediately return home. But we ourselves took the streets on the edge of pantaI that night. While holding hands, we chatted about the plan of our new relationship and how later we tell our parents about this relationship.
given Karen is the older brother of Lisa, my boyfriend’s ex used to be some taon. Not infrequently I smell sweet lips as we walked while holding hands.
Clock shows nearly 12 midnight. We thought it’s wise to go home. During the return trip and arriving in front of the entrance of the apartment we, hands Karen still don’t want regardless of grip my hand.
after getting ready for bed, Karen will not sleep with a separate room and decided to sleep in my room alone since that night. I play the music of jazz Diana Krall with the lights dimmed to half. On the bed, kissing each other our cordial and soft. Our tongues meet as mutually mengelus-elus with each other.
that night, Karen is more dominant in bed.
“Kak Ditto, I will make you the happiest man tonight.”, says Karen challenging.
“I can’t wait.”, I replied with zeal.
Karen took over me, and sit on my crotch while looked down and kissed my lips. His right hand went into the mengelus-elus soft piyamaku shirts while my chest. My heart berdekup firm, a sign that I have started to get aroused by the stimuli of Karen. This time I let Karen control romance that night.
Karen kept trying to take off all of my pyjamas and want to quickly get me terlanjang. After driving me any fashion without terlanjang stuck to my body, Karen smiled spoiled. With the accelerating pace of Karen menciumi my lips again, and this time his right hand gently mengelus-elus penisku trunk that has stood ever since.
Karen really understand how to make a guy like me made such worms are overheating. I particularly love it when Karen licked my nipple softly, because it is the most sensitive area for me. And this time Karen did not forget to explore this section.
“Karen, ahhh …”, only it can get out of my mouth. Karen like regardless of anything that comes out of my mouth. Because it is not the words that need to be almost ignored. Just sounds delicious moans coming out of my mouth. The more eranganku, the more eager Karen exploring my body.
Karen lips this time come to the rod penisku. Seem to understand what I want, without Karen’s mouth chewing on dikomando Rod penisku abis. His right hand gently mengelus-elus pelirku both pieces while his left hand whisk-beat and his mouth chewing on a stalk penisku.
penisku stem seizing feels very wet by saliva, water and eranganku the more rampant. Karen was further accelerating the movement of the mouth and his left hand. I don’t remember how long the Karen had given me a blowjob and handjob that night. That sure I remembered only one … ‘ crazy, awful ‘.
“Ahhh … Karen … tasty bangettt … ahhh … “, I can only say when granted. I’m trying to concentrate so I wouldn’t come because of the quick blowjob and handjob awesome Karen. But it looks, I’m not strong anymore. Want to get out of his sense of all of the contents in the stem penisku. This is the first time I’m in a blowjob by Karen that I’ve not been able to concentrate again holding the rod penisku so she doesn’t quickly come.
“Karen, I want to come … want to come nihhhh … stop stop … pleaseee ….”, I actually begged him. But seem not to hear my wish, Karen still continue aja kulumannya to the rod penisku. This time it was faster again, as if he knew that the kalo offing pertahananku gonna collapse.
true enough, then collapse also pertahananku. Penisku Rod no longer able to resist, come out all the semen in it, and sprays in the mouth desar Karen.
“Akhhh … akhhh … dapettt … akhhh nihhh …”, I shouted. Kuluman Karen stopped being a straw. Seem to want to suck all the cum inside stem penisku. Karen looked disgusted by the torrent of water maniku, even without any sense of disgust to swallow all of him.
all the muscles of the sendiku contrived limp by Karen. First masturbation from Karen that successfully made me collapse. No wonder Karen says that that night would make me the happiest man alive.
thereafter, ceaseless I tell her that she’s really good melayaniku that night. Until the end of his I overslept due was exhausted. I remember before the sleepiness, Karen continues to mengelus-elus my hair soft and occasionally kissing her. I could feel how his sweetheart he to me. RULING adult sex story read pictorial FreeEroticAdultStories others only in the adult stories FreeEroticAdultStories for the continuation of the story -Illustrated adult stories Girls Photos Sexy FreeEroticAdultStories-
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